Райан Кейхилл

Ryan Cahill

  • 7 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 106 читателей
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Лучшие книги Райана Кейхилла

  • Сквозь кровь и пламя Райан Кейхилл
    ISBN: 978-5-04-188206-8
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Fanzon
    Язык: Русский

    Рожденные в пламени. Закаленные в крови. Эфирия охвачена войной. Век за веком лорды юга враждуют между собой, и только драконья гвардия, воители империи давно минувших времен, удерживают мир от кровавого потопа. Кейлен Брайер готовится к Испытанию отваги и мастерства, несмотря на тоску по трагически погибшему брату. Но его жизнь меняется, когда в родной деревне появляются трое незнакомцев. Их связывает тайна, из-за которой смерть идет за ними по пятам и которая изменит жизнь Кейлена. Пророчества не существует. Его приход не был предсказан. И Кейлен, как любой другой человек, истекает кровью. Он пройдет сквозь пламя войны и потеряет…

  • The Fall Райан Кейхилл
    ISBN: 9781838381837
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Английский
    The Order have watched over the continent of Epheria for thousands of years. But there are those who believe The Order has had its day. That it is corrupt, indulgent, and deceitful – that it is ready to fall.

    The City of Ilnaen is on fire.
    Dragons fill the skies.
    Traitors fill the streets.

    The Fall is a prequel novella that takes place four hundred years before the events in Of Blood and Fire – book one in The Bound and The Broken series.
  • Of Darkness and Light Райан Кейхилл
    ISBN: 9781838381868
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Английский
    Heroes will rise. Nations will fall.

    Behind the towering walls of Belduar, Calen Bryer and his companions stand in defense of the city and its new king. In over a thousand years, Belduar has never fallen. It has stood as a bastion of hope. But the Lorian empire are at its walls once more, and the Dragonguard are coming.

    In the North, with Faenir by her side, Calen’s sister Ella arrives at the port of Antiquar. She holds no fear of the unknown. She will see this through, no matter what – or who – gets in her way.

    Meanwhile, at the embassy of the Circle of Magii in Al’Nasla, Rist Havel hones his newfound powers in preparation for the trials. Unbeknownst to Rist, he is being watched, measured, and judged. He was not taken into the Circle by chance. There is greatness in him. But great men can do terrible things.

    As Lorian forces land on southern shores and Aeson Virandr’s letters of rebellion find their way to the right hands, only the Knights of Achyron see the true danger. The danger that stirs in the darkness. The coming shadow will not stop. It will consume all in its path. It wants for nothing but blood and fire.