Бенедикт Спиноза

Baruch Spinoza

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Бенедикт Спиноза — библиография

  • Ethica Бенедикт Спиноза
    "Ethica" van Benedictus de Spinoza. Gepubliceerd door Good Press. Good Press publiceert een ruim aanbod aan titels in alle genres. Van bekende klassiekers & literaire fictie en non-fictie tot vergeten−of nog niet-ontdekte pronkstukken−van de wereldliteratuur, wij publiceren boeken die u beslist moet lezen. Iedere Good Press editie is zorgvuldig aangepast en geformatteerd om de leesbaarheid voor alle e-lezers en apparaten te verbeteren. Ons doel is om e-books te maken die gebruiksvriendelijk en toegankelijk voor iedereen zijn in een digitaal formaat van een hoogwaardige kwaliteit.
  • The Ethics and On the Improvement of the Understanding Бенедикт Спиноза
    "The Ethics" is the magnum opus, the most famous work of Benedict de Spinoza, considered one of the great rationalists of 17th-century philosophy. In this volume, which was published posthumously, Spinoza lays out his ethical philosophy in geometrical order, with axioms and definitions followed by propositions. «The Ethics» is divided into five parts: Part One – Concerning God, Part Two – On the Nature and Origin of the Mind, Part Three – On the Origin and Nature of the Emotions, Part Four – Of Human Bondage, or The Strength of The Emotions, and Part Five – Of the Power of the Understanding, or Of Human Freedom. Spinoza's «Ethics» is considered one of the most important philosophical treatises on the subject and a must read for all students of philosophy. Also contained in this volume is a representative selection from Spinoza's «On the Improvement of the Understanding».
  • The Ethics Бенедикт Спиноза
    "The Ethics" is the magnum opus, the most famous work of Benedict de Spinoza, considered one of the great rationalists of 17th-century philosophy. In this volume, which was published posthumously, Spinoza lays out his ethical philosophy in geometrical order, with axioms and definitions followed by propositions. «The Ethics» is divided into five parts: Part One – Concerning God, Part Two – On the Nature and Origin of the Mind, Part Three – On the Origin and Nature of the Emotions, Part Four – Of Human Bondage, or The Strength of The Emotions, and Part Five – Of the Power of the Understanding, or Of Human Freedom. Spinoza's «Ethics» is considered one of the most important philosophical treatises on the subject and a must read for all students of philosophy.
  • Ethics Бенедикт Спиноза
    Дата написания: 2001
    От Yakaboo:
    Книга «Этика» - одно из главных произведений корифея европейской философии Бенедикта де Спинозы. Сам Спиноза также считал «Этику» трудом всей своей жизни, в котором он попытался изложить сущность своего учения метафизики оригинальным и необычным для того времени способом. Философ использовал математические приемы и формы в виде аксиом и теорем с последующим их доказательством. Логические выкладки придают изящность и стройность философским пассажам, а чтобы д
  • Ethics Бенедикт Спиноза
    Дата написания: 2001
    'The noblest and most lovable of the great philosophers ... ethically he is supreme' Bertrand Russell
    Published shortly after his death in 1677, the Ethics is Spinoza's greatest work - a fully cohesive philosophical system that strives to provide a picture of reality and to comprehend the meaning of an ethical life. It defines in turn the nature of God, the mind, human bondage to the emotions and the power of understanding - moving from a consideration of the eternal, to specula
  • The Collected Works of Benedictus de Spinoza Бенедикт Спиноза
    This comprehensive eBook presents the complete works or all the significant works – the Œuvre – of this famous and brilliant writer in one ebook – easy-to-read and easy-to-navigate: • Ethica. English • Theologico-Political Treatise • On the Improvement of the Understanding • The Philosophy of Spinoza • Ethics • Theologico-Political Treatise
  • ?tica demostrada seg?n el orden geom?trico Бенедикт Спиноза
    Escrito literalmente intempestivo, la «?tica» de Baruj Spinoza (1632/1677) ha ejercido siempre, desde antes incluso de ser entregada a las prensas, una fascinaci?n en verdad obsesiva. Para mal como para bien. Las posiciones que en ella se defienden, extra?as al sentido filos?fico com?n de su tiempo —y todav?a del nuestro—, han suscitado a la vez el m?s violento rechazo y la m?s rendida admiraci?n. Pero quiz?s no tanto una comprensi?n cabal de sus envites. Todo lector de la «?tica» ha sido, sigue siendo, el lector de una filosof?a por venir.
  • Ethics - The Original Classic Edition Бенедикт Спиноза
    Ethics is a towering work by an absolute genius, a mathematical definitive explanation of God, the universe and mans place in it. Read it not because you think you must fight through `great philosophy, but for its beautiful symmetry of ground breaking rational thought. I eagerly recommend this work to anyone interested in exploring their thoughts on philosophy, religion and psychology. If anything, Ethics obtains renewed relevance in the post-modern 21st century and its unfolding events. Imagine setting out as an objective to describe human existence and the journey to inner freedom. To accomplishment that feat, we must first begin with God and the universe, then work our way through nature, religion, society, science, and evolution until we can frame the essence of man. Imagine then that we wish to make sense of the human paradox of violence, hate, love and passion, fear and hope, and give it a framework through which to view the world and gain serenity and purpose. Imagine further that we do not wish to merely write yet another philosophical or Eastern spiritual text. We wish to supersede and encompass all these earlier attempts, including current thinking on Judeo Christian practice. While doing so, we shall set our bar high. We will extrapolate these beliefs and universal relationships as a geometric treatise in the manner of a mathematical proof, with definitions, axioms and propositions, and so demonstrate the possibility of reducing philosophy and the pursuit of human fulfillment to a scientific exercise. Now imagine that we shall set out on our metaphysical journey during the Inquisition, when espousals contrary to the Church result in execution. Imagine that our thoughts are so revolutionary that even the heretics (mainly Protestants) and evolving philosophers with whom we must find safe harbor view our thoughts with alarm. Imagine ourselves cut off from public discourse, excommunicated from family and friends. Lastly, imagine we are frail and suffer from ill health, our views necessarily rendering us relatively penniless and unknown, hiding in modest obscurity. Now dear reader, we are ready to begin our book on the meaning of life despite the fact that we will never publish it for fear of death. Most great thinkers name `Ethics among their largest influences. Einstein espoused himself a Spinozan. It is certainly one of the most astounding and important books ever written. His work changed my life. He not only filled in pieces of the puzzle I had missing, he rearranged them and gave them sense. I view almost all important constructs in life within his tautology. Please read Spinoza. His astounding work is a testament to the blinding power of rational thought.
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