Тесса Бейли

Tessa Bailey

  • 72 книги
  • 22 подписчика
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Новинки Тессы Бейли

  • The Au Pair Affair Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 9780063308428
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Avon
    Язык: Английский
    #1 New York Times bestselling author Tessa Bailey returns with an all-new sports rom-com about a burly, surly, single dad who falls head-over-hockey-stick for his quirky live-in nanny...

    Tallulah is smart, vivacious, and studying to be a marine biologist. She’s also twenty-six and broke. So when Burgess, a battle-scarred hockey veteran and newly single dad, offers her a job as his live-in nanny, she jumps at the opportunity to get paid while living in a super fancy neighborhood and being around Lissa, his cool but introverted tween.

    Her tween charge isn’t the only one who could use some help fitting in, though. According to…well, everyone except Burgess, he needs to get back on the dating scene, and adventurous Tallulah is just the girl to show him how. But as boundaries are slowly crossed and Burgess finds himself pulled between his daughter, who wants her parents back together, and his insane chemistry with Tallulah, a huge rift is formed, and Tallulah does the “right” thing—breaks her own heart and walks away.

    Though Burgess knows it’s for the best—he’s too jaded, with too much baggage—a chance meeting, and a new push from his daughter, forces him to put everything on the line and fight to prove he learned his lessons well and is worthy of a happily ever after with Tallulah.
  • Тайная поклонница Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 978-5-04-186768-3
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Inspiria
    Язык: Русский

    Пятнадцать лет назад Хэлли и Джулиан были близки к своему первому поцелую на одной из школьных вечеринок. Но он так и не состоялся… Теперь Хэлли Уэлч живет на острове Святой Елены и унаследовала маленький садоводческий бизнес от своей бабушки, а Джулиан Вос – знаменитый профессор и наследник винодельческой империи Восов. Джулиан возвращается в семейное поместье, чтобы провести там отпуск и встречает Хэлли. Девушка все еще влюблена в него, а вот он… абсолютно не помнит ее. Хэлли врывается в упорядоченную жизнь Джулиана словно ураган и с первого же дня становится понятно, что они – самая неподходящая друг другу пара. Правда, профессор…

  • Fangirl Down Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 9780063308350
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Avon
    Язык: Английский
    #1 New York Times bestselling author Tessa Bailey launches a super sexy sports romance duology with a rom-com about a bad boy professional athlete who falls for his biggest fan...

    Wells Whitaker was once golf’s hottest rising star, but lately, all he has to show for his “promising” career is a killer hangover, a collection of broken clubs, and one remaining supporter. No matter how bad he plays, the beautiful, sunny redhead is always on the sidelines. He curses, she cheers. He scowls, she smiles. But when Wells quits in a blaze of glory and his fangirl finally goes home, he knows he made the greatest mistake of his life.

    Josephine Doyle believed in the gorgeous, grumpy golfer, even when he didn’t believe in himself. Yet after he throws in the towel, she begins to wonder if her faith was misplaced. Then a determined Wells shows up at her door with a wild proposal: be his new caddy, help him turn his game around, and split the prize money. And considering Josephine’s professional and personal life is in shambles, she could really use the cash…

    As they travel together, spending days on the green and nights in neighboring hotel rooms, sparks fly. Before long, they’re inseparable, Wells starts winning again, and Josephine is surprised to find a sweet, thoughtful guy underneath his gruff, growly exterior. This hot man wants to brush her hair, feed her snacks, and take bubble baths together? Is this real life? But Wells is technically her boss and an athlete falling for his fangirl would be ridiculous… right?
  • У любви на крючке Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 978-5-04-189339-2
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Inspiria
    Долгожданное продолжение дилогии о сестрах Беллинджер.

    Все знают, что у моряка Фокса Торонтона репутация ловеласа. Была. Пока в его жизни не появляется Ханна Беллинджер. Только его обаяние и смазливая внешность не производят на девушку никакого впечатления. Ведь Ханна по уши влюблена в своего коллегу, режиссера Сергея.

    Чтобы не упустить девушку, Фокс становится ее близким другом и даже дает советы, как влюбить в себя Сергея. Но чем больше времени они проводят вместе, тем прозрачнее становится грань между дружеским флиртом и влюбленностью. И Ханна уже не уверена, какой из двух мужчин ей по-настоящему интересен…

    Зато она точно знает, что не хочет стать очередным трофеем Фокса Торонтона.


    #холодное море

    #любовные интриги

    «Тесса Бейли мастерски описывает как химию, так и настоящую дружбу между Ханной и Фоксом, рассказывая нам о забавных неудачах и недопонимании между героями. Этот искрометный ромком обязательно найдет отклик в вашем сердце». – Publishers Weekly

    «"„У любви на крючке“" пахнет океаном и звучит десятками песен-под-настроение, которыми обмениваются герои. Признаюсь, я не смогла удержаться и включала их одна за другой.

    Ханна живет в Лос-Анжелесе, одевается серой мышью, любит виниловые пластинки и боится первых ролей. Фокс – помощник капитана в приморском городке, любит женщин и не заводит долгих отношений. Знакомый сюжет, и мы знаем, что будет дальше, не так ли?

    А вот и нет. Потому что эти двое – лучшие друзья, и больше всего они боятся разрушить свою теплую, подпитанную хорошей музыкой дружбу.

    Очень рекомендую для тех, кто любит мягкий юмор, здоровые отношения, очень горячие сцены и рок-н-ролл. Но это не просто «„горячий роман“». С помощью эмоционального сюжета Тесса Бейли рассказывает нам о важных вещах. О том, что не нужно соответствовать роли, из которой ты вырос. О том, как важно прорабатывать личные драмы, чтобы они не калечили тебя и того, кто рядом. И о том, что секс – прекрасен, но есть то, что важнее: возможность разделить с кем-то свои тайны и страхи, ценности, убеждения и маленькие глупости». – Ирина Котова, автор серии «Королевская кровь»
  • Что случилось этим летом Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 978-5-04-179425-5
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Inspiria
    Бестселлер сети! Более 224 000 000 просмотров в TikTok!

    Пайпер Беллинджер наслаждается жизнью светской львицы. Она меняет парней, как перчатки, а вечеринки и соцсети – то, без чего она не представляет свою жизнь. Но в один из таких вечеров Пайпер заходит слишком далеко. Отчим девушки выходит из себя и в наказание отправляет Пайпер без копейки в кармане вместе с младшей сестрой в маленький рыбацкий городок.

    Героиня знакомится с угрюмым местным рыбаком по имени Брендан. Казалось бы, между ними нет ничего общего, но их тянет друг к другу словно магнитом. Пайпер предстоит сделать непростой выбор: вернуться к привычной роскошной жизни или позволить себе влюбиться по-настоящему.

    «Избалованная тусовщица из Лос-Анджелеса приезжает в маленький рыбацкий городок – комичное начало большого приключения,

    которое будет приправлено юмором, душевностью, страстью и атмосферными видами океана.

    Цель любой романтической книги в конечном счете – влюбить нас в потрясающего книжного мужика и пережить с ним

    головокружительный роман (через ощущения и чувства героини, конечно), с чем эта история успешно справляется: на протяжении всего сюжета я сидела с улыбкой влюбленной дурочки и огромными сердечками в глазах, а закрыла книгу с ощущением парения над землей!»

    Лена Сокол


    «Если вы любите романы, но устали от абъюзивных взаимоотношений и наигранной драмы, то эта взрослая история вам необходима, как глоток свежего воздуха! Столько нежности. Внутренней борьбы. Животной страсти. Я в невероятном восторге».


    «Я осталась в полном восторге, как от персонажей, так и сюжета в целом! Книга вышла яркой, романтичной и заражающей позитивными эмоциями. Ты не можешь сдержать эмоции, будь то смех или грусть, и это чудесно!»


    «Благодаря своему исключительному таланту Бейли удается сочетать романтику и химию между главными героями. Это одновременно сладко и взрывоопасно сексуально».

    Кейт Клейборн,

    автор бестселлера «Любовь с первого взгляда»
  • Same Time Next Year Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 9781662517914
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Amazon Original Stories
    Язык: Английский
    From New York Times bestselling author Tessa Bailey comes a steamy novella full of hope and humor tracking a couple’s fake marriage for a year after the wild New Year’s Eve when they first say “I do.”

    Adored by all, Britta is an ambitious waitress working at Sluggers. The popular bar holds a special place in her heart and is a regular hangout for the Bridgeport Bandits, the local hockey club. With a half brother on the team, Britta has a strict no-dating policy for hockey boys. But she does have a soft spot for one particular player.

    A beast on the ice, Sumner Mayfield is on the brink of breaking into the NHL. But time’s running out. With his work visa about to expire, Sumner’s only chance to stay in Bridgeport is to marry an American—and get a green card. Otherwise, it’s back to Canada for the defenseman.

    On New Year’s Eve, the team begs Britta to marry Sumner that very night. Sum is embarrassed yet hopeful—he’s desperately in love. But Britta balks at first. Until something about Sumner’s soulful brown eyes and ripped physique makes her reconsider…
  • Мои убийственные каникулы Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 978-5-04-188685-1
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Inspiria
    Язык: Русский

    Тейлор и ее брат арендуют небольшой коттедж в солнечном Кейп-Коде, чтобы провести там летние каникулы. Их отдых прерывается, когда по соседству происходит громкое убийство. Расследует преступление Майлз – суровый парень, который отказывается принимать помощь Тейлор в расследовании. Она работает учительницей в начальной школе, а в свободное время увлекается тру-крайм подкастами, поэтому ей очень хочется помочь найти преступника. Позволит ли Майлз присоединиться Тейлор к расследованию? Ведь с каждым днем его влечет к этой девушке все сильнее.

  • Wreck the Halls Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 9780063308299
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Avon
    Язык: Английский
    #1 New York Times bestselling author Tessa Bailey delivers a sexy, hilarious standalone holiday rom-com about the adult children of two former rock stars who team up to convince their mothers to play a Christmas Eve concert...

    Melody Gallard may be the daughter of music royalty, but her world is far from glamorous. She spends her days restoring old books and avoiding the limelight (one awkward tabloid photo was enough, thanks). But when a producer offers her a lot of money to reunite her mother's band on live tv, Mel begins to wonder if it's time to rattle the cage, shake up her quiet life... and see him again. The only other person who could wrangle the rock and roll divas.

    Beat Dawkins, the lead singer's son, is Melody's opposite--the camera loves him, he could charm the pants off anyone, and his mom is not a potential cult leader. Still, they might have been best friends if not for the legendary feud that broke up the band. When they met as teenagers, Mel felt an instant spark, but it's nothing compared to the wild, intense attraction that builds as they embark on a madcap mission to convince their mothers to perform one last show.

    While dealing with rock star shenanigans, a 24-hour film crew, brawling Santas, and mobs of adoring fans, Mel starts to step out of her comfort zone. With Beat by her side, cheering her on, she's never felt so understood. But Christmas Eve is fast approaching, and a decades-old scandal is poised to wreck everything--the Steel Birds reunion, their relationships with their mothers, and their newfound love.
  • У любви на крючке Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 978-5-04-174838-8
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский

    Новинка от автора бестселлера "Что случилось этим летом"! #1 New York Times И #1 Usa Today Bestseller Долгожданное продолжение дилогии о сестрах Беллинджер. Все знают, что у моряка Фокса Торонтона репутация ловеласа. Была. Пока в его жизни не появляется Ханна Беллинджер. Только его обаяние и смазливая внешность не производят на девушку никакого впечатления. Ведь Ханна по уши влюблена в своего коллегу, режиссера Сергея. Чтобы не упустить девушку, Фокс становится ее близким другом и даже дает советы, как влюбить в себя Сергея. Но чем больше времени они проводят вместе, тем прозрачнее становится грань между дружеским флиртом и…

  • Unfortunately Yours Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 0063239035, 9780063239036
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Avon US
    Язык: Английский
    After losing her job and her fiancé in one fell swoop, Natalie Vos returned home to lick her wounds. A few months later, she's sufficiently drowned her sorrows in cabernet and she's ready to get back on her feet. She just needs her trust fund to finance her new business venture. Unfortunately, the terms require she marry before she can have the money. And well, dumped, remember? But Natalie is desperate enough to propose to a man who makes her want to kill him--and kiss him, in equal measure.

    August Cates may own a vineyard, but he doesn't know jack about making wine. He's determined to do his late best friend proud, no matter what it takes. Except his tasting room is empty, his wine is disgusting (seriously, he once saw someone gag), and his buddy's legacy is circling the drain. No bank will give him the loan he needs to turn the business around... and then the gorgeous, feisty heiress knocks on his door. Natalie has haunted his dreams since the moment they met, but their sizzling chemistry immediately morphed into simmering insults.

    Now, a quickie marriage could help them both. A sham wedding, a few weeks living under the same roof, and then they can go their separate ways--assuming they make it out alive. How hard could it be? There's just one thing they didn't account for: their unfortunate, unbearable, undeniable attraction.
  • Что случилось этим летом Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 978-5-04-167880-7
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Inspiria
    Язык: Русский

    Пайпер Беллинджер наслаждается жизнью светской львицы. Она меняет парней, как перчатки, а вечеринки и соцсети — то, без чего она не представляет свою жизнь. Но в один из таких вечеров Пайпер заходит слишком далеко. В наказание отчим девушки отправляет ее без копейки в кармане вместе с младшей сестрой в маленький рыбацкий городок. Героиня знакомится с угрюмым местным рыбаком по имени Брендан. Казалось бы, между ними нет ничего общего, но их тянет друг к другу словно магнитом. Пайпер предстоит сделать непростой выбор: вернуться к привычной роскошной жизни или позволить себе влюбиться по-настоящему.

  • Secretly Yours Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 0063239027
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Avon Books
    Язык: Английский
    Hallie Welch fell hard for Julian Vos at fourteen, after they almost kissed in the dark vineyards of his family's winery. Now the prodigal hottie has returned to their small town. When Hallie is hired to revamp the gardens on the Vos estate, she wonders if she'll finally get that smooch. But the grumpy professor isn't the teenager she remembers and their polar opposite personalities clash spectacularly. One wine-fueled girls' night later, Hallie can't shake the sense that she did something reckless--and then she remembers the drunken secret admirer letter she left for Julian. Oh shit.

    On sabbatical from his ivy league job, Julian plans write a novel. But having Hallie gardening right outside his window is the ultimate distraction. She's eccentric, chronically late, often literally covered in dirt--and so unbelievably beautiful, he can't focus on anything else. Until he finds an anonymous letter sent by a woman from his past. Even as Julian wonders about this admirer, he's sucked further into Hallie's orbit. Like the flowers she plants all over town, Hallie is a burst of color in Julian's gray-scale life. For a man who irons his socks and runs on tight schedules, her sunny chaotic energy makes zero sense. But there's something so familiar about her... and her very presence is turning his world upside down.

    From #1 New York Times bestselling author and TikTok favorite Tessa Bailey comes a steamy new rom-com about a starchy professor and the bubbly neighbor he clashes with at every turn...
  • Too Beautiful To Break Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 1538741857
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Forever
    Язык: Английский
    The forced proximity of one wild road trip brings two childhood friends back together in this delightful romantic comedy from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Hook, Line & Sinker and It Happened One Summer.

    Leaving Belmont Clarkson is the hardest thing Sage Alexander has ever done. From the moment they met, she knew Belmont was the one, and getting up close and personal with him on his family's epic road trip has taken her desire to a new, even hotter level. But there's no way she can go there—not without revealing secrets that could devastate them both.

    Losing Sage is not an option. Belmont's heart is hers, has always been hers. He knows she's hiding something from him, but nothing will stand in his way of telling her just how much she means to him. Finding her is easy—saving her from her past could cost him everything.
  • Too Hard To Forget Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 1538741849
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Forever
    A laugh-out-loud second-chance romantic comedy from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Hook, Line & Sinker.

    This time, she's calling the shots. Peggy Clarkson is returning to her alma mater with one goal in mind: confront Elliott Brooks, the man who ruined her for all others, and remind him of what he's been missing. Even after three years, seeing him again is like a punch in the gut, but Peggy's determined to stick to her plan. Maybe then, once she has the upper hand, she'll finally be able to move on.

    In the years since Peggy left Cincinnati, Elliott has kept his focus on football. No distractions and no complications. But when Peggy walks back onto his practice field and into his life, he knows she could unravel everything in his carefully controlled world. Because the girl who was hard to forget is now a woman impossible to resist.
  • Too Wild to Tame Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 1538741830
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Forever
    Язык: Английский
    Opposites attract in this steamy romantic comedy from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Hook, Line & Sinker.

    By day, Aaron Clarkson suits up, shakes hands, and acts the perfect gentleman. And at night, behind bedroom doors, the tie comes off and the real Aaron comes out to play. But he knows that if he wants to work for the country’s most powerful senator, he’ll have to keep his eye on the prize. That’s easier said than done, though, when he meets the senator’s daughter. She’s wild, gorgeous, and 100 percent trouble.

    Grace Pendleton is the black sheep of her family. Yet while Aaron's presence reminds her of a past she’d rather forget, something in his eyes keeps drawing her in. Maybe it’s the way his voice turns her molten. Or maybe it’s because deep down inside, the ultra-smooth, polished Aaron Clarkson might be more than even Grace can handle.. .
  • Too Hot to Handle Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 1538740869
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Forever
    Язык: Английский
    The road trip was definitely a bad idea. Having already flambéed her culinary career beyond recognition, Rita Clarkson is now stranded in God-Knows-Where, New Mexico, with a busted car and her three temperamental siblings, who she hasn't seen in years. When rescue shows up—six-feet-plus of charming hotness on a motorcycle—Rita's pretty certain she's gone from the frying pan right into the fire . . .

    Jasper Ellis has a bad boy reputation in this town, and he loathes it. The moment he sees Rita, though, Jasper knows he's about to be sorely tempted. There's something real between them. Something raw. And Jasper has only a few days to show Rita that he isn't just for tonight—he's forever.
  • Happenstance Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 1087893607
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Tessa Bailey
    Язык: Английский
    From #1 New York Times bestselling author of It Happened One Summer comes a romantic comedy about an accidental relationship between three smitten men...and one commitment phobic woman.

    Elise Brandeis has never won a Pulitzer—and she never will. At least not while she’s delivering sandwiches at the Gotham Times, instead of working there as an actual reporter. Her only shot at seeing her byline in print is to prove to the no nonsense managing editor that she has a nose for news. And she’s got just the story to grab her elusive attention.

    Right after she delivers this turkey on ciabatta.

    Chasing down leads brings Elise to Roosevelt Island, but just when the trail of clues begins to take shape, she gets stuck. Literally. On a cable car with three strangers who couldn’t be more different. An uptight rugby coach, a construction worker and a former adult film star she pretends not to recognize a little too well.

    At first, Elise wants nothing more than to be rescued ASAP.

    An hour later, everything has changed. By pure happenstance, four separate journeys have collided in an intense, meaningful way. Suddenly, disentangling their lives feels more impossible than winning that Pulitzer. Good thing Elise is too busy proving herself at work to consider three boyfriends. Nobody has time for that—even if they make giving in feel oh so right. But three heads are better than one and these loners will teach themselves to work together to win Elise over forever…

    And more importantly, keep their dirty socks off her floor.
  • Hook, Line, and Sinker Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 0063045699, 9780063045699
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Avon Books
    Язык: Английский

    King crab fisherman Fox Thornton has a reputation as a sexy, carefree flirt. Everyone knows he’s a guaranteed good time—in bed and out—and that’s exactly how he prefers it. Until he meets Hannah Bellinger. She’s immune to his charm and looks, but she seems to enjoy his… personality? And wants to be friends? Bizarre. But he likes her too much to risk a fling, so platonic pals it is. Now, Hannah's in town for work, crashing in Fox’s spare bedroom. She knows he’s a notorious ladies’ man, but they’re definitely just friends. In fact, she's nursing a hopeless crush on a colleague and Fox is just the person to help with her lackluster love…

  • My Killer Vacation Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 9798201353605
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    An all-new, spicy murder mystery from Tessa Bailey, New York Times bestselling author of It Happened One Summer...

    It was supposed to be a relaxing vacation in sweet, sunny Cape Cod—just me and my beloved brother—but discovering a corpse in our rental house really throws a wrench into our tanning schedule. Now a rude, crude bounty hunter has arrived on the back of his motorcycle to catch the killer and refuses to believe I can be helpful, despite countless hours of true crime podcast listening. Not to mention a fulfilling teaching career of wrangling second graders.

    A brash bounty hunter and an energetic elementary schoolteacher: the murder-solving team no one asked for, but thanks to these pesky attempts on my life, we're stuck together, come hell or high tide.

    I'm just here to do a job, not babysit an amateur sleuth. Although…it is becoming less and less of a hardship to have her around. Sure, she's stubborn, distracting and can't stay out of harm's way. She's also brave and beautiful and reminds me of the home I left behind three years ago. In other words, the painful hunger and protectiveness she is waking up in me is a threat to my peace of mind. Before I sink any deeper into this dangerous attraction, I need to solve this murder and get back on the road. But will fate take her from me before I realize the road has been leading to her all along?
  • The Sweetest Fix Тесса Бейли
    ISBN: 9798598699102
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский
    Reese dreams of seeing her name in lights on Broadway, but so far she has only graced the used car parking lots of rural Wisconsin. With her window of opportunity shrinking fast, a miracle happens. She wins an audition with Bernard Bexley, Broadway’s most respected dance choreographer. When disaster strikes and Reese misses the audition, she has to find another way in front of Bernard, otherwise face the disappointment back home.

    Following the sage advice of a Times Square Pikachu—Reese seeks out Bernard’s son, prepared to beg for his aid, never expecting mega sparks to fly between her and the gentle giant baker. With Reese’s heart now involved, she refuses to use Leo to her advantage and tries to walk away before her ulterior motives are exposed, but gravity continues to draw them back together…until it’s impossible to stay apart.

    But Reese’s lie of omission can only stay buried for so long. When Leo finds out how their relationship started, will Reese keep her ultimate role as Leo’s leading lady? Or will the curtain fall on their real-life fairytale?
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