Майкл Бут

Michael Booth

  • 12 книг
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Новинки Майкла Бута

  • Three Tigers, One Mountain. A Journey through the Bitter History and Current Conflicts Майкл Бут
    ISBN: 9781784704247
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    Two tigers cannot share the same mountain - Chinese proverb
    Despite geographical proximity, cultural similarities, and shared status as highly powerful nations, China, Korea and Japan love to hate each other. Why?
    In search of an answer, Michael Booth journeys across East Asia to explore the mutual animosity that frequently threatens to draw the world into all-out war. From misjudged cake decorations to electoral meddling, contradictory origin myths to territorial disputes, this deeply researched and hugely entertaining book shows that no conflict is too small to keep the fires of neighbourly hostility burning.
  • Що не так зі скандинавами? Правда і міфи про найщасливіших людей Майкл Бут
    ISBN: 978-617-7866-94-6
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Наш Формат
    Книжка року Британської гільдії письменників-мандрівників.

    Вони усміхаються і влаштовують посиденьки з друзями, кутаються у в’язані светри й кілограмами палять свічки, люблять булочки з корицею і лакричні палички, їздять на велосипедах і обожнюють мінімалізм. Вони — скандинави, принаймні такими ми їх знаємо з медійної версії.
    Але що, як у цього є і зворотний бік? Що, як жителі нордичних країн також закидаються антидепресантами, вірять в ельфів, платять здирницькі податки, терплять жахливу погоду й не будують амбітних планів? Усе це також про скандинавів — але таких, якими ми їх не знаємо.

    Для широкого кола читачів, всіх, хто захоплюється хюґе і лаґом, але хотів би копнути глибше в напрямку секрету щастя нордичних народів.
  • Three Tigers, One Mountain Майкл Бут
    ISBN: 9781910702956
    Год издания: 2020
    Язык: Английский
    'The next Bill Bryson' (New York Times) explores international relations past and present between three East Asian countries – Japan, South Korea and China – in this lively, absorbing travelogue
    ‘Two tigers cannot share the same mountain’ - Chinese proverb
    China, Korea and Japan are the neighbours who love to hate each other. But why?
    Europe has forgiven Germany’s war crimes, why can’t Japan’s neighbours do likewise? To what extent do the ongoin
  • Three Tigers, One Mountain: A Journey Through the Bitter History and Current Conflicts of China, Korea, and Japan Майкл Бут
    ISBN: 1250114063 (ISBN13: 9781250114068)
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: St. Martin's Press
    Язык: Английский
    From the author of The Almost Nearly Perfect People, a lively tour through Japan, Korea, and China, exploring the intertwined cultures and often fraught history of these neighboring countries.

    There is an ancient Chinese proverb that states, “Two tigers cannot share the same mountain.” However, in East Asia, there are three tigers on that mountain: China, Japan, and Korea, and they have a long history of turmoil and tension with each other. In his latest entertaining and thought provoking narrative travelogue, Michael Booth sets out to discover how deep, really, is the enmity between these three “tiger” nations, and what prevents them from making peace. Currently China’s economic power continues to grow, Japan is becoming more militaristic, and Korea struggles to reconcile its westernized south with the dictatorial Communist north. Booth, long fascinated with the region, travels by car, ferry, train, and foot, experiencing the people and culture of these nations up close. No matter where he goes, the burden of history, and the memory of past atrocities, continues to overshadow present relationships. Ultimately, Booth seeks a way forward for these closely intertwined, neighboring nations.

    An enlightening, entertaining and sometimes sobering journey through China, Japan, and Korea, Three Tigers, One Mountain is an intimate and in-depth look at some of the world’s most powerful and important countries.
  • Почти идеальные люди. Вся правда о жизни в «Скандинавском раю» Майкл Бут
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Бомбора
    Язык: Русский

    Весь мир сходит с ума по «Хюгге», но так ли идеальна скандинавская философия? Читайте честную книгу о настоящих скандинавах: вы узнаете правду об их жизни и поймете, почему Скандинавские страны стали такими успешными в экономическом и социальном отношении. Английский журналист Майкл Бут прожил в скандинавских странах более 10 лет и пришел к выводу, что в мире слишком идеализируют эти страны. Бут описывает датчан, шведов, финнов, норвежцев и исландцев, исследует их причуды и недостатки, а также рисует более темную картину скандинавской действительности, чем все привыкли думать. Почему датчане счастливы, хотя у них такие высокие…

  • Почти идеальные люди Майкл Бут
    ISBN: 978-5-699-98691-0
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Бомбора
    Язык: Русский

    Английский журналист Майкл Бут прожил в скандинавских странах больше 10 лет и пришел к выводу, что в мире слишком идеализируют эти страны. Решив развеять стереотипы, он написал честную книгу о настоящих скандинавах. Бут описывает датчан, шведов, финнов, норвежцев и исландцев, исследует их причуды и недостатки, рассказывает о темных сторонах их жизни и объясняет, почему Скандинавские страны стали такими успешными в экономическом и социальном отношении, а также рисует более темную картину скандинавской действительности, чем все привыкли думать.

  • The Almost Nearly Perfect People: Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia Майкл Бут
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    Michael Booth has lived among the Scandinavians, on and off, for over ten years, perplexed by their many strange and paradoxical character traits and equally bemused by the unquestioning enthusiasm for all things Nordic that ф has engulfed the rest of the world.

    He leaves his adopted home of Denmark and embarks on a journey through all five of the Nordic countries to discover who these curious tribes are, the secrets of their success and, most intriguing of all, what they think of each other. Along the way a more nuanced, often darker, picture emerges of a region plagued by taboos, characterised by suffocating parochialism and populated by extremists of various shades.
  • The Almost Nearly Perfect People: Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia Michael Booth
    ISBN: 0099546078, 9780099546078
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    Michael Booth has lived among the Scandinavians, on and off, for over ten years, perplexed by their many strange and paradoxical character traits and equally bemused by the unquestioning enthusiasm for all things Nordic that ф has engulfed the rest of the world.
    He leaves his adopted home of Denmark and embarks on a journey through all five of the Nordic countries to discover who these curious tribes are, the secrets of their success and, most intriguing of all, what they think of each other. Along the way a more nuanced, often darker, picture emerges of a region plagued by taboos, characterised by suffocating parochialism and populated by extremists of various shades.
  • The Almost Nearly Perfect People: Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia Майкл Бут
    ISBN: 1250061962, 978-1250061966
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Picador USA
    Язык: Английский
    Journalist Michael Booth has lived among the Scandinavians for more than ten years and has grown increasingly frustrated with the rose-tinted view of this part of the world offered up by the Western media. In this timely book, he leaves his adopted home of Denmark and embarks on a journey through all five of the Nordic countries to discover who these curious tribes are, the secrets of their success, and, most intriguing of all, what they think of one another.

    Why are the Danes so happy despite having the highest taxes? Do the Finns really have the best education system? Are the Icelanders as feral as they sometimes appear? How are the Norwegians spending their fantastic oil wealth? And why do all of them hate the Swedes? In The Almost Nearly Perfect People, Booth explains who the Scandinavians are, how they differ and why, and what their quirks and foibles are, and he explores why these societies have become so successful and models for the world. Along the way, a more nuanced, often darker picture emerges of a region plagued by taboos, characterized by suffocating parochialism, and populated by extremists of various shades.
  • Eating Dangerously: Why the Government Can't Keep Your Food Safe ... and How You Can Майкл Бут
    ISBN: 1442222662
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
    Язык: Английский
    Americans are afraid of their food. And for good reason. In 2011, the deadliest food-borne illness outbreak in a century delivered killer listeria bacteria on innocuous cantaloupe never before suspected of carrying that pathogen. Nearly 50 million Americans will get food poisoning this year. Spoiled, doctored or infected food will send more than 100,000 people to the hospital. Three thousand will die. We expect, even assume, our government will protect our food, but how often do you think a major U.S. food farm get inspected by federal or state officials? Once a year? Every harvest? Twice a decade? Try never. Eating Dangerously sheds light on the growing problem and introduces readers to the very real, very immediate dangers inherent in our food system. This two-part guide to our food system's problems and how consumers can help protect themselves is written by two seasoned journalists, who helped break the story of the 2011 listeria outbreak that killed 33 people. Michael Booth and Jennifer Brown, award-winning health and investigative journalists and parents themselves, answer pressing consumer questions about what's in the food supply, what "authorities" are and are not doing to clean it up, and how they can best feed their families without making food their full-time jobs. Both deeply informed and highly readable, Eating Dangerously explains to the American consumer how their food system works--and more importantly how it doesn't work. It also dishes up course after course of useful, friendly advice gleaned from the cutting-edge laboratories, kitchens and courtrooms where the national food system is taking new shape. Anyone interested in knowing more about how their food makes it from field and farm to store and table will want the inside scoop on just how safe or unsafe that food may be. They will find answers and insight in these pages.
  • The Almost Nearly Perfect People: Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia Майкл Бут
    ISBN: 978-0224089623
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Jonathan Cape
    Язык: Английский
    The whole world wants to learn the secrets of Nordic exceptionalism: Why are the Danes the happiest people in the world, despite having the highest taxes? If the Finns really have the best education system, how come they still think all Swedish men are gay? Are the Icelanders really feral? How are the Norwegians spending their fantastical oil wealth? And why do all of them hate the Swedes? Michael Booth has lived among the Scandinavians, on and off, for over ten years, perplexed by their many strange paradoxes and character traits and equally bemused by the unquestioning enthusiasm for all things Nordic that has engulfed the rest of the world, whether it be for their food, television, social systems or chunky knitwear. In this timely book he leaves his adopted home of Denmark and embarks on a journey through all five of the Nordic countries to discover who these curious tribes are, the secrets of their success and, most intriguing of all, what they think of each other. Along the way a more nuanced, often darker picture emerges of a region plagued by taboos, characterised by suffocating parochialism and populated by extremists of various shades. They may very well be almost nearly perfect, but it isn't easy being Scandinavian.
  • Sushi and Beyond: What the Japanese Know About Cooking Майкл Бут
    ISBN: 978-0099516446
    Год издания: 2010
    Japan is the pre-eminent food nation on earth. The creativity of the Japanese, their dedication and ingenuity, not to mention courage in the face of dishes such as cod sperm and octopus ice cream, is only now beginning to be fully appreciated in the sushi-saturated West, as are the remarkable health benefits of the traditional Japanese diet.

    Food and travel writer Michael Booth sets of to take the culinary pulse of contemporary Japan and he and his young family travel the length of the country - from bear-infested, beer-loving Hokkaido to snake-infested, seaweed-loving Okinawa.

    What do the Japanese know about food? Perhaps more than anyone else on earth, judging by this fascinating and funny journey through an extraordinary food-obsessed country.

    Winner of the Guild of Food Writers Kate Whiteman Award for the best book on food and travel.