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Thannarat Vutirangsee has won it all: she’s saved her world, married her perfect bride, and found her peace. She is meant to live the rest of her days in a fairytale.

But the machines are not done with her yet. Her wife Daji has breached the treaty between humans and machines, and for that she will be subjected to a punishment worse than execution.

Thannarat is not a hero. She is an artifact of war, a force of devastating annihilation. All she knows is how to fight. But to save Daji, what she will need the most will not be her gun or her might at arms . . . it will be a confrontation with her past, her mistakes, and a proof that she…
Цикл: Machine Mandate, книга №6

Форма: новелла

Оригинальное название: Shall Machines Bite the Sun

Язык: Английский

Жанры:  Киберпанк


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