Greek Myths: Meet the Heroes and Heroines, Monsters and Gods of Ancient Greece

Джин Мензис


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Journey into a world of gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines, extraordinary creatures and fantastic monsters with this beautifully illustrated introduction to Ancient Greek mythology. Perfect for children aged 7 to 9, this collection contains more than 30 enthralling new retellings of favourite myths as well as some you might not have heard before.

Including Theseus and the Minotaur, The 12 labours of Herakles, and the escapades of Jason and the Argonauts, each myth is told in engaging modern language, which is easy for children to understand yet still retains the humour and intrigue of the original tales. Stunning illustrations by…
Лауреат: 2020 г.Премия читателей «Книга - в мою сумку» (Автор-открытие)

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