
Моя оценка

Special Agent Faith Mitchell returns home to a nightmare. Her baby daughter Emma has been locked outside, and there's a trail of blood to the front door.

Without waiting for back-up, Faith…
Серия: Georgia (Book 3)
Цикл: Will Trent, книга №5
Издательство: Arrow

Fallen, роман

ISBN: 978-0099550266

Год издания: 2012

Язык: Английский

Paperback: 496 pages
Publisher: Arrow (21 Jun 2012)
ISBN-10: 0099550261
ISBN-13: 978-0099550266
Product Dimensions: 19.4 x 13 x 3.4 cm

"A complex, gripping and deadly serious novel that reflects anew Slaughter's abundant talent.""--The Washington Post
"An amazing effort . . . This is [Karin] Slaughter's best book to date, and readers unfamiliar with her work will find this one a perfect place to begin."--Associated Press

"An absolute master . . . Slaughter creates some wonderfully complex and mature female characters, a distinctive achievement in the world of thrillers.""--Chicago Tribune"
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"Slaughter has always known how to pace the suspense in her stellar crime novels, but she really outdoes herself here. . . . [She] reveals the heart and soul of her characters within a highly choreographed, unrelentingly suspenseful plot."--"Booklist" (starred review)

Уилл Трент (2023 – ...) Сериал снят по мотивам цикла книг о спецагенте GBI Уилле Тренте.

Лауреат: 2011 г.Премия «Хеббан» за триллер (Лучший международный триллер)
Номинант: 2011 г.Выбор сайта Goodreads (Лучшая тайна и триллер)


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