Моя оценка

In the realm of the supernatural, Thomas Ligotti is the master of stylish, eerie writing of the highest quality. This new edition brings together his collected short stories with 'Teatro Grottesco',…
Издательство: Carroll & Graf

Introduction: The Consolations of Horror
The Frolic 3
Les Fleurs 16
Alice's Last Adventure 23
Dream of a Mannikin 39
The Chymist 52
Drink to Me Only with Labyrinthine Eyes 62
Eye of the Lynx 71
The Christmas Eves of Aunt Elise 79
The Lost Art of Twilight 87
The Troubles of Dr. Thoss 103
Masquerade of a Dead Sword 114
Dr. Voke and Mr. Veech 132
Dr. Locrian's Asylum 141
The Sect of the Idiot 150
The Greater Festival of Masks 159
The Music of the Moon 166
The Journal of J. P. Drapeau 173
Vastarien 179
The Last Feast of Hariequin 195
The Spectacles in the Drawer 229
Flowers of the Abyss 240
Nethescurial 247
The Dreaming in Nortown 260
The Mystics of Muelenburg 280
In the Shadow of Another World 287
The Cocoons 299
The Night School 308
The Glamour 318
The Library of Byzantium 327
Miss Plarr 339
The Shadow at the Bottom of the World 348
The Medusa 359
Conversations in a Dead Language 377
The Prodigy of Dreams 389
Mrs Rinaldi's Angel 399
The Tsalal 409
Mad Night of Atonement 436
The Strange Design of Master Rignolo 449
The Voice in the Bones 459
Teatro Grottesco 469
Severini 486
Gas Station Carnivals 498
The Bungalow House 514
The Clown Puppet 533
The Red Tower 542

ISBN: 0786703024

Год издания: 1996

Язык: Английский

Лауреат: 2007 г.Премия Международной Гильдии Ужаса (Графическая история/иллюстрированный рассказ)
1997 г.Британская премия фэнтези (Лучшая антология / сборник)

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