Вручение 2012 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2012 г.

Премия «Хлеб и розы» за радикальные публикации

Дэвид Гребер 4.2
Масштабное и революционное исследование истории товарно-денежных отношений с древнейших времен до наших дней, предпринятое американским антропологом, профессором Лондонской школы экономики и одним из «антилидеров» движения Occupy Wall street, придумавшим слоган «Мы – 99 %». Гребер, опираясь на антропологические методы, выдвигает тезис, что в основе того, что мы традиционно называем экономикой, лежит категория долга, которая на разных этапах развития общества может принимать формы денег, бартера, залогов, кредитов, акций и так далее. Один из императивов книги - вырвать экономику из лап «профессиональных экономистов», доказавших свою несостоятельность во время последнего мирового кризиса, и поместить ее в более широкий контекст истории культуры, политологии, социологии и прочих гуманитарных дисциплин.
Для широкого круга читателей.

«Одна из самых важных книг последнего времени. Гребер рассматривает возникновение кредита в контексте становления классового общества, разрушения обществ, основанных на "сетях взаимных обязательств", и постоянной угрозы применения физического насилия, на которой зиждутся все общественные отношения, основанные на деньгах».

«Необычная... завораживающая... Книга Гребера не просто заставляет задуматься – она еще и удивительно злободневна. История, которую он пишет широкими мазками, показывает, что многие из наших устоявшихся представлений о деньгах и кредите ограниченны, если не ошибочны».

«Детальное полевое исследование о нашем безнадежном экономическом и нравственном положении. В лучших традициях антропологии Гребер рассматривает потолок долга, высокорискованную ипотеку и кредитные свопы так, как если бы они были экзотическими обрядами какого-то племени, стремящегося к самоуничтожению. Эта книга, написанная в ярком, захватывающем стиле, является также и философским исследованием природы долга, раскрывающим его истоки и эволюцию».
Тим Джи 0.0
This timely book argues that no major movement has ever been successful without counterpower, or the power that the "have-nots" can use to remove the power of the "haves."

Investigating the history and tactics of major movements of the past and today's global justice and human rights movements, Tim Gee demonstrates what works and what doesn't work. In showing how counterpower can be strategically applied, Gee has created an inspiration for activists and an invaluable resource for teachers and students of social change.

Tim Gee is a writer and communications specialist working with campaigning organizations in the United Kingdom and worldwide.
Надя Айдл, Алекс Наннс 0.0
Egypt’s revolution as it unfolded, in the words of the people who made it.

The Twitter accounts of the activists who brought heady days of revolution to Egypt in January and February this year paint an exhilarating picture of an uprising in real-time. Thousands of young people documented on cell phones every stage of their revolution, as it happened. This book brings together a selection of key tweets in a compelling, fast-paced narrative, allowing the story of the uprising to be told directly by the people in Cairo’s Tahrir Square.

Many of the activists were “citizen journalists”, using Twitter to report what was happening. Others used the social network to organize, communicating the next steps necessary for the revolution to move forward. Nearly everyone online gave instant reactions to the extraordinary events occurring before their eyes.

History has never before been written in this fashion. The tweet limit of 140 characters evidently concentrated the feelings of those using Twitter. Raw emotion bursts from their messages, whether frantic alarm at attacks from pro-government thugs or delirious happiness at the fall of the dictator. To read these tweets is to embark a rollercoaster ride, from the surprise and excitement of the first demonstration, to the horror of the violence that claimed hundreds of lives, to the final ecstasy of victory.

Many of those tweeting also took photographs with their phones and these illustrate the book, providing remarkable snapshots from the heart of the action.

Edited by young activists Alex Nunns and Nadia Idle, an Egyptian who was in Tahrir Square when Mubarak fell, Tweets from Tahrir is a highly original take on one of the most important and dramatic events in recent world politics. The result is as gripping as any thriller – but it’s all real.
Оуэн Джонс 0.0
In modern Britain, the working class has become an object of fear and ridicule. From Little Britain’s Vicky Pollard to the demonization of Jade Goody, media and politicians alike dismiss as feckless, criminalized and ignorant a vast, underprivileged swathe of society whose members have become stereotyped by one, hate-filled word: chavs.

In this acclaimed investigation, Owen Jones explores how the working class has gone from “salt of the earth” to “scum of the earth.” Exposing the ignorance and prejudice at the heart of the chav caricature, he portrays a far more complex reality. The chav stereotype, he argues, is used by governments as a convenient figleaf to avoid genuine engagement with social and economic problems and to justify widening inequality. Based on a wealth of original research, Chavs is a damning indictment of the media and political establishment and an illuminating, disturbing portrait of inequality and class hatred in modern Britain. This updated edition includes a new chapter exploring the causes and consequences of the UK riots in the summer of 2011.
Энди Мерифилд 3.7
Following his hugely popular book, The Wisdom of Donkeys, Andy Merrifield breathes new life into the Marxist tradition.

Magical Marxism demands something more of traditional Marxism - something more interesting and liberating. It asks that we imagine a Marxism that moves beyond debates about class, the role of the state and the dictatorship of the proletariat. In escaping the formalist straitjacket of orthodox Marxist critique, Merrifield argues for a reconsideration of Marxism and its potential, applying previously unexplored approaches to Marxist thinking that will reveal vital new modes of political activism and debate.

This book will provoke and inspire in equal measure. It gives us a Marxism for the 21st century, which offers dramatic new possibilities for political engagement.
Лори Пенни 0.0
In the space of a year, Laurie Penny has become one of the most prominent voices of the new left. This book brings together her diverse writings, showing what it is to be young, angry and progressive in the face of an increasingly violent and oppressive UK government.

Penny Red: Notes from the New Age of Dissent collects Penny's writings on youth politics, resistance, feminism and culture. Her journalism is a unique blend of persuasive analysis, captivating interviews and first-hand accounts of political direct action. She was involved in all the key protests of 2010/2011, including the anti-fees demos in 2010 and the anti-cuts protests of spring 2011, often tweeting live from the scene of kettles and baton charges. An introduction and extensive footnotes allow Penny to connect all the strands of her work, showing the links between political activism and wider social and cultural issues.

This book is essential for understanding what motivates the new generation of activists, writers and thinkers that bring creativity, energy and urgency to the fight against capitalism and exploitation.
Николас Шаксон 0.0
This is the ugliest chapter in global economic affairs since slavery -- and secretive offshore tax havens are at the heart of the trouble.

Dirty money, tax havens and the offshore system describe the ugliest and most secretive chapter in the history of global economic affairs. The World Bank has reported that the flow of dirty money across borders, out of developing countries and into rich ones, is up to ten times the amount of foreign aid that flows the other way.

Most people regard tax havens as being relevant only to celebrities, crooks and spivs, and mistakenly believe that the main offshore problems are money laundering and terrorist financing. These are only small parts of the whole picture.

The offshore system has been (discreetly) responsible for the greatest ever shift of wealth from poor to rich. It also undermines our democracies by offering the wealthiest members of society escape routes from tax, financial regulation and other normal democratic controls.

The anti-globalisation movement tapped into an uneasiness, felt by millions, that something was rotten in the world economy. Treasure Islands brilliantly articulates the problem in a completely new way, and exposes the deep corruption that impacts on our daily lives.