Вручение 27 июня 2019 г.

Премия за книги 2018-2019 г.г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 27 июня 2019 г.

Лучший дебют

Мэри Линн Брахт 4.5
Корея, 1943-й. Хане шестнадцать лет, она никогда не покидала родной остров Чеджу, родилась и выросла под японской оккупацией. Она из рода хэнё, женщин моря, ныряльщиц. Ее младшая сестра никак не может дождаться того дня, когда и она станет хэнё. Две девочки счастливы в своем маленьком идиллическом мире на берегу океана, но однажды судьба разлучает их, отправив Хану в чужие края, уготовив ей тяжкие испытания. Но женщины моря сильны и упорны, и Хана не оставляет надежды когда-нибудь найти свой дом.

Южная Корея, 2011-й. Больше шестидесяти лет Эми старалась забыть то, что случилось с ней и сестрой в детстве. Но на закате жизни, чтобы примириться с собой, она должна взглянуть в лицо прошлому и вспомнить все. А может, и найти наконец сестру.

«Белая хризантема» – драматическая и трогательная история о двух сестрах, разлученных войной, чья любовь друг к другу настолько сильна, что способна противостоять даже войне.
Элизабет Брукс 3.0
Virginia Wrathmell has always known she will meet her death on the marsh in reparation for the mistakes of her childhood.

On New Year's Eve, at the age of eighty-six, Virginia feels the time has finally come.

In 1939, Virginia is ten, an orphan arriving to meet her new adoptive parents, Clem and Lorna Wrathmell, at their mysterious house, Salt Winds. The house sits right on the edge of a vast marsh, a beautiful but dangerous place. It's the start of a new life for Virginia, but she quickly senses that all is not right between Clem and Lorna - in particular, the presence of their wealthy neighbour Max Deering, who takes an unhealthy interest in the family. When a German fighter plane crashes into the marsh, Clem ventures onto the deadly sands to rescue the airman. And that is when things really begin to go wrong...
Франческа Якоби 0.0
It's 1969, and while the summer of love lingers in London, Gilda is consumed by the mistakes of her past. She walked out on her beloved son Reuben when he was just a boy and fears he'll never forgive her.

When Reuben marries a petite blonde gentile, Gilda takes it as the ultimate rejection. Her cold, distant son seems transformed by love - a love she's craved his entire adult life. What does his new wife have that she doesn't? And how far will she go to find out?

It's an obsession that will bring shocking truths about the past to light . . .

Bitter is a beautiful and devastating novel about the decisions that define our lives, the fragility of love and the bond between mother and son.
Тони Кент 4.0
Покушение на убийство бывшего президента США вызывает цепную реакцию по всему Лондону. Даже элитному подразделению сил безопасности Британии не справиться с хаосом и паникой, грозящими лишить действующее правительство власти. В паутине смертельного заговора переплетаются судьбы трех незнакомцев: Джо Демпси, офицера военной разведки, Сары Трумэн, репортера CNN, настроенной выпустить сенсационную новость, и Майкла Девлина, адвоката по уголовным делам, который не любит распространяться о своем прошлом. Круг людей, которым можно доверять, сужается. Демпси, Девлин и Трумэн вынуждены работать скрытно, прячась в тени, чтобы выжить в сумасшедшей гонке не на жизнь, а на смерть.

«Покушение на убийство» обладает всеми характеристиками бестселлера — великолепные персонажи, каждый со своей тайной и стилем расследования, интригующие заговоры, политические скандалы и захватывающие сюжетные повороты, от которых кровь стынет в жилах. Не рекомендуется читать на ночь — слишком высока вероятность не уснуть.
Салли Магнуссон 0.0
In 1627 Barbary pirates raided the coast of Iceland and abducted some 400 of its people, including 250 from a tiny island off the mainland. Among the captives sold into slavery in Algiers were the island pastor, his wife and their three children. Although the raid itself is well documented, little is known about what happened to the women and children afterwards. It was a time when women everywhere were largely silent.

In this brilliant reimagining, Sally Magnusson gives a voice to Ásta, the pastor's wife. Enslaved in an alien Arab culture Ásta meets the loss of both her freedom and her children with the one thing she has brought from home: the stories in her head. Steeped in the sagas and folk tales of her northern homeland, she finds herself experiencing not just the separations and agonies of captivity, but the reassessments that come in any age when intelligent eyes are opened to other lives, other cultures and other kinds of loving.

The Sealwoman's Gift is about the eternal power of storytelling to help us survive. The novel is full of stories - Icelandic ones told to fend off a slave-owner's advances, Arabian ones to help an old man die. And there are others, too: the stories we tell ourselves to protect our minds from what cannot otherwise be borne, the stories we need to make us happy.

Лучший дебют в детской литературе

Эндрю Кловер 0.0
Meet RORY BRANAGAN – he eats bad guys for breakfast. Well, not ACTUALLY. But he IS the best detective in town. First in a hilarious seven-book, comedy-crime series for readers of 8+

Hello. I am Rory Branagan. I am actually a detective.

People always say, ‘How do you become a detective?’

And I say, ‘Ahhhh… you don’t just FIND YOURSELF suddenly sneaking up on baddies, or diving out of the way as they shoot, or hurtling from an open plane towards the ground! You have to want it.’

And what made ME want it? I needed to find out what
happened to my dad…

There are seven books in the RORY BRANGAN (DETECTIVE) series and this is the first, in which you meet Rory and his accomplice Cassidy as they investigate the poisoning of Rory’s next door neighbour. Rory’s adventures are all highly illustrated so you can see everything he gets up to in glorious black and white.
Ники Торнтон 4.1
Всю свою жизнь Сет Сеппи работал в отеле "Последний шанс". Чистильщик кастрюль, поварёнок, мальчик на побегушках – как только его не называли хозяева, мистер и миссис Банн, и их противная дочурка Тиффани! И жизнь Сета наверняка никогда бы не изменилась, если бы однажды в их богом забытый отель не приехали весьма странные гости… Семеро постояльцев, непохожих друг на друга, необычно одетых и явно что-то скрывающих, собрались здесь, чтобы провести торжественный ужин за закрытыми дверями. Но во время церемонии главного гостя, доктора Талломиуса, убили! Кто-то отравил невероятно вкусный абрикосовый десерт, который приготовил… Сет! Чтобы доказать свою невиновность, мальчику нужно выяснить, кто же настоящий убийца. Правда, есть одно обстоятельство: оказалось, что доктор Талломиус обладал весьма необычными способностями… Прими участие в запутанном расследовании, открой мир магии и пусти в свою жизнь приключения!
Адам Барон 0.0
Boy Underwater is a heartbreaking story about family, friends and secrets. And it’s very, very funny.

Cymbeline (yes, really!) has never been swimming – not ever, not once – so he’s a bit nervous at the prospect of his first school swimming lesson ever. But how hard could it be? He’s Googled front crawl and he’s found his dad’s old pair of trunks. He’s totally ready for this.

But he’s not ready for an accident at the pool to reveal a family mystery that turns his life completely upside down. Only Cym and his friends can solve it because, as usual, the grown-ups aren’t telling them anything.

For the answers you really need, sometimes you have to go deep...
Лоррейн Боуэн 0.0
"Lorraine Bowen is a golden talent. I predict this book will win the Booker Prize!" - David Walliams

The Crumble Lady is a SUBURBAN SUPERHERO! When she's not busy solving crimes, she's making a catfood crumble, writing songs, and even getting her chums to save her town from a sherbet explosion!

There's never a dull moment with the Crumble Lady! Tuck into a delicious portion of stories, funny characters and, of course, crumbles!

Featuring five original crumble recipes!
Том Клемпсон 0.0
Charlie and Sarah are BORED. They live in the middle of nowhere with their dull grandparents who refuse to let them do anything exciting. But one day, adventure comes knocking when their grandparents are captured by the most terrifying pirate of all time - Vladimir Death Pirate. Charlie and Sarah launch an immediate rescue mission, setting sail to find their grandparents... in a bathtub. Perfect for fans of MY BROTHER IS A SUPERHERO, this is a quirky, hilariously funny adventure full of warring pirates, terrifying zombie bunnies and a magical wish-granting island.
Черри Кобб 0.0
Will is an ordinary boy who likes to build Lego models and play with his dog Rollo. But after a stupid row with his mum he ends up and his grandad's house, where he discovers an old air raid shelter.

Will steps inside to investigate, but when he comes out he is not in his grandad's garden but in Second World War London.

How will he get back?
Catherine Doyle 4.9
When Fionn Boyle sets foot on Arranmore Island, it begins to stir beneath his feet ...

Once in a generation, Arranmore Island chooses a new Storm Keeper to wield its power and keep its magic safe from enemies. The time has come for Fionn's grandfather, a secretive and eccentric old man, to step down. Soon, a new Keeper will rise.

But, deep underground, someone has been waiting for Fionn. As the battle to become the island's next champion rages, a more sinister magic is waking up, intent on rekindling an ancient war.
Жюльетта Форрест 0.0
Twister's father has gone missing and as she's searching for him she stumbles across a witch living in the woods. She is given a magical necklace that holds the souls of living things and can turn the wearer into a wolf, or a rushing river, or a rainstorm. But there's a dark foe on the hunt for this necklace, a baddie who wears a coat crawling with creatures and who might have something to do with her father's sudden disappearance...
Вашти Харди 4.3
Twins Arthur and Maudie receive word in Lontown that their famous explorer father died in a failed attempt to reach South Polaris. Not only that, but he has been accused of trying to steal fuel from his competitors before he died! The twins don't believe the news, and they answer an ad to help crew a new exploration attempt in the hope of learning the truth and salvaging their family's reputation. As the winged ship Aurora sets sail, the twins must keep their wits about them and prove themselves worthy of the rest of the crew. But will Arthur and Maudie find the answers they seek?
Гарри Хилл 0.0
Meet Matt Millz - Britain's Youngest (and funniest!) Comedian! Matt may be small but he is truly mighty on the comedy circuit. Well, he is in his head anyway. When the school holds a talent show, Matt has the opportunity to demonstrate that he's got the magical chutzpah quip to take him all the way to the Apollo. With the help of his diminutive manager, Kitty Hope, and his hapless form teacher, as well as the school brute, his heartthrob and Rob his best friend, Matt learns what it takes to be really funny . . . A hilarious new book from National TreasureT and real-life (very) funny man Harry Hill.
Charli Howard 0.0
Molly is in her final year of primary school, with secret dreams of becoming an Olympic swimmer. Having always lived in the shadow of her manipulative friend, Chloe, Molly finally has the chance to compete in a regional swimming contest and define herself on her own terms. But with the pressure of fitting in, and the sudden arrival of her mysterious mum, will she give up on her dreams for a shot at popularity? A hugely exciting debut with a classic underdog story, a wonderfully relatable protagonist, and an important message of friendship, body positivity, and celebrating who you are.
Кэт Хау 3.9
Ella is the new girl at school. She doesn't know anyone and she doesn't have any friends. And she has a terrible secret.

Ella can't believe her luck when Lydia, the most popular girl in school, decides to be her new best friend - but what does Lydia really want? And what does it all have to do with Molly, the quiet, shy girl who won't talk to anyone?

A gripping story of lies, friendship, and blackmail..
Падрайг Кенни 0.0
Christopher is 'Proper': a real boy with a real soul, orphaned in a fire. He works for an engineer, a maker of the eccentric, loyal and totally individual mechanicals who are Christopher's best friends. But after a devastating accident, a secret is revealed and Christopher's world is changed for ever... What follows is a remarkable adventure, as Christopher discovers who he really is, and what it means to be human.
Онджали Ку Рауф 4.3
There used to be an empty chair at the back of my class, but now a new boy called Ahmet is sitting in it.

He's eight years old (just like me), but he's very strange. He never talks and never smiles and doesn't like sweets - not even lemon sherbets, which are my favourite!

But the truth is, Ahmet really isn't very strange at all. He's a refugee who's run away from a War. A real one. With bombs and fires and bullies that hurt people. And the more I find out about him, the more I want to be his friend.

That's where my best friends Josie, Michael and Tom come in. Because you see, together we've come up with a plan.
Леви Тидхар, Mark Beech 0.0
CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY meets BUGSY MALONE for 9+ readers. In a city where all chocolate and sweets have been banned, Nelle Faulkner is a 12-year-old private detective looking for her next client. So when notorious candy gangster Eddie de Menthe walks into her office (her dad's garden shed) and asks her to find a missing teddy bear, Nelle takes the case. But as soon as the teddy turns up, Eddie himself goes missing. Can Nelle track them both down... before she comes to a sticky end?
Ким Вентрелла 0.0
"When Stanley Stanwright finds a bone poking out of the earth in his back garden, he is determined to take a picture of it and send it to the Young Discoverer's Competition, thinking it will help bring his dad back home. But the bone begins to grow, reaching up out of the ground until it turns into a skeleton - a skeleton with an unusual interest in his unwell younger sister Miren.

As time wears on, Miren's condition worsens, and the only time she is truly at peace is when she is playing with the skeleton. But Stanley is wary of him, especially when he finally manages to get a picture, and spots a scythe at the skeleton's feet. . .

A whimsical, heartfelt story about a boy who finds a friend in Death with the help of an unusual tree growing in his back garden. With black line illustrations throughout by Victoria Assanelli."
Victoria Williamson 0.0
Reema runs to remember the life she left behind in Syria. Caylin runs to find what she's lost. Under the grey Glasgow skies, twelve-year-old refugee Reema is struggling to find her place in a new country, with a new language and without her brother. But she isn't the only one feeling lost. Her Glasgwegian neighbour Caylin is lonely and lashing out. When they discover an injured fox and her cubs hiding on their estate, the girls form a wary friendship. And they are more alike than they could have imagined: they both love to run. As Reema and Caylin learn to believe again, in themselves and in others, they find friendship, freedom and the discovery that home isn't a place, it's the people you love. Heartfelt and full of hope, The Fox Girl and the White Gazelle is an uplifting story about the power of friendship and belonging. Inspired by her work with young asylum seekers, debut novelist Victoria Williamson's stunning story of displacement and discovery will speak to anyone who has ever asked 'where do I belong?'
Кейт Вайсман 0.0
'I bet no other school gives you the chance to chase super villains through hidden tunnels!’

That’s what Milly Dillane has to say about life at Blaggard’s, A.K.A Gangster School.

Milly and her new friend Charlie have just started at Blaggard’s. But what’s it like to be in a school that teaches lying, kidnapping and stealing instead of Maths and English? Their parents and teachers are master criminals and want them to follow in their footsteps … but are Milly and Charlie just too … dependable?

In this funny and exciting adventure, smart Milly and super-hacker Charlie face some of the worst villains around, including the cold-hearted Pecunia Badpenny and her sidekick: Wolf the evil electronic dog.

Can Milly and Charlie beat Badpenny and her demonic plans? And are they criminal enough to keep their place in a school they’ve come to love?

Kate Wiseman’s brilliant Blaggard’s is like Hogwarts for criminal kids!