Вручение 2005 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2005 г.

Книга года

Michael Morpurgo 5.0
They've gone now, and I'm alone at last.
I have the whole night ahead of me, and I won't waste a single moment of it... I want tonight to be long, as long as my life...
From the battlefields of the First World War, Thomas Peaceful relives memories of his childhood and family life in the countryside.
But the clock ticks on, and every moment spent remembering the past brings Tommo closer to the one that will change his life forever.
Frank Cottrell Boyce 4.4
It was a one-in-a-million chance. A bag crammed with cash comes tumbling out of the air and lands right at Damian's feet. Suddenly the Cunningham brothers are rich. Very rich. They can buy anything they want. There's just one problem -- they have only seventeen days to spend all the money before it becomes worthless. And the crooks who stole the cash in the first place are closing in -- fast.

A funny, brilliantly clever and utterly thrilling debut novel that is, quite simply, unforgettable.

Лучшая иллюстрированная книга для чтения вслух

Джулия Дональдсон 4.7
...Вот скала / Где над морем улитка жила / И вздыхала она то и дело: / - Как мне все надоело! / Мир огромен, а я тут сижу на скале, / А могла бы уплыть на большом корабле... / ...Или... или, может быть, на хвосте синего кита-великана?! Мир так широк, а улитка так мала - кто мог подумать, что именно крохотная улитка спасет своего большого друга, когда тот попадет в беду?
Сказка в стихах от авторов мировых бестселлеров "Груффало" и "Дочурка Груффало" с большими - на всю страницу - яркими картинками.
Grey, Mini 0.0
When Horace bakes a biscuit in the shape of a bear, little does he know that his edible treat is going to turn into Biscuit Bear! For in the middle of the night, when all is quiet, that is exactly what happens, and Biscuit Bear decides that it is time he made some friends of his own. So, with flour, sugar and butter he does just that. In fact, he makes a whole circus of friends and the fun begins . . .
Dick King-Smith 0.0
From the beloved author of Babe comes this enchanting illustrated chapter book. Aristotle, the witch’s kitten, is so adventurous that it’s just as well cats have nine lives! Luckily the good witch Bella Donna is always on hand to help him out. Follow his fur-raising adventures in this delightful tale, beautifully illustrated by Bob Graham.