Вручение 17 мая 2014 г.

Премия Рэя Брэдбери (Ray Bradbury Award):
«Гравитация» (Gravity, 2013) сценарий - Альфонсо Куарон, Хонас Куарон

«Доктор Кто: День Доктора» (Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor, 2013) сценарий - Стивен Моффат

«Европа» (Europa Report, 2013) сценарий - Филип Джелэтт

«Она» (Her, 2013) сценарий - Спайк Джонс

«Голодные игры: И вспыхнет пламя» (The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, 2013) сценарий - Саймон Бофой, Майкл Арндт

«Тихоокеанский рубеж» (Pacific Rim, 2013) сценарий - Трэвис Бичем, Гильермо дель Торо

Страна: США Место проведения: San José Marriott, Сан-Хосе, Калифорния Дата проведения: 17 мая 2014 г.


Энн Леки 3.8
Когда-то она была огромным космическим кораблем и управляла тысячами солдат, которые служили непобедимой Империи Радча, завоевавшей всю галактику. Однако коварное предательство лишило ее всего. Теперь, девятнадцать лет спустя, она просто Брэк, одинокая странница, обладающая хрупким человеческим телом и движимая непреодолимым желанием отомстить. Отправившись на далекую заснеженную планету в поисках орудия для своей мести, Брэк неожиданно встречает человека, которого знала тысячу лет назад. Она спасает его от гибели и берет с собой, но, возможно, это большая ошибка…
Karen Joy Fowler 3.7
Meet the Cooke family. Our narrator is Rosemary Cooke. As a child, she never stopped talking; as a young woman, she has wrapped herself in silence: the silence of intentional forgetting, of protective cover. Something happened, something so awful she has buried it in the recesses of her mind.

Now her adored older brother is a fugitive, wanted by the FBI for domestic terrorism. And her once lively mother is a shell of her former self, her clever and imperious father now a distant, brooding man.

And Fern, Rosemary’s beloved sister, her accomplice in all their childhood mischief? Fern’s is a fate the family, in all their innocence, could never have imagined.
Нил Гейман 4.2
«Океан в конце переулка» — это повествование, меняющее очертания современного фэнтези: подвижное, пугающее и элегическое — чистое как мечта, хрупкое как крыло бабочки, опасное как нож из тьмы, в руках такого гениального рассказчика как Нил Гейман.
Для нашего героя все началось сорок лет назад, когда квартирант украл их семейную машину и покончил в ней жизнь самоубийством, разбередив древние силы, которые лучше было бы оставить не побеспокоенными. Темные создания сбежали из загробного мира и герою пригодится буквально все, чтобы просто остаться в живых: первобытный ужас и постоянная угроза нависают над его семьей и исходят от сил, объединившихся, чтобы уничтожить его.
Его единственная защита — три женщины, живущие на ферме в конце переулка. Самая младшая из них клянется, что их пруд для утят на самом деле — океан, а самая старшая помнит Большой взрыв.
Charles E. Gannon 0.0
An agent for a spy organization uncovers an alien alliance in nearby interstellar space—an alliance that will soon involve humanity in politics and war on a galactic scale. 2105, September: Intelligence Analyst Caine Riordan uncovers a conspiracy on Earth’s Moon—a history-changing clandestine project—and ends up involuntarily cryocelled for his troubles. Twelve years later, Riordan awakens to a changed world. Humanity has achieved faster-than-light travel and is pioneering nearby star systems. And now, Riordan is compelled to become an inadvertent agent of conspiracy himself. Riordan’s mission: travel to a newly settled world and investigate whether a primitive local species was once sentient—enough so to have built a lost civilization.

However, arriving on site in the Delta Pavonis system, Caine discovers that the job he’s been given is anything but secret or safe. With assassins and saboteurs dogging his every step, it's clear that someone doesn't want his mission to succeed. In the end, it takes the broad-based insights of an intelligence analyst and a matching instinct for intrigue to ferret out the truth: that humanity is neither alone in the cosmos nor safe. Earth is revealed to be the lynchpin planet in an impending struggle for interstellar dominance, a struggle into which it is being irresistibly dragged. Discovering new dangers at every turn, Riordan must now convince the powers-that-be that the only way for humanity to survive as a free species is to face the perils directly—and to fight fire with fire.
Nicola Griffith 0.0
A brilliant, lush, sweeping historical novel about the rise of the most powerful woman of the Middle Ages: Hild

In seventh-century Britain, small kingdoms are merging, frequently and violently. A new religion is coming ashore; the old gods are struggling, their priests worrying. Hild is the king’s youngest niece, and she has a glimmering mind and a natural, noble authority. She will become a fascinating woman and one of the pivotal figures of the Middle Ages: Saint Hilda of Whitby.

But now she has only the powerful curiosity of a bright child, a will of adamant, and a way of seeing the world—of studying nature, of matching cause with effect, of observing her surroundings closely and predicting what will happen next—that can seem uncanny, even supernatural, to those around her.

Her uncle, Edwin of Northumbria, plots to become overking of the Angles, ruthlessly using every tool at his disposal: blood, bribery, belief. Hild establishes a place for herself at his side as the king’s seer. And she is indispensable—unless she should ever lead the king astray. The stakes are life and death: for Hild, for her family, for her loved ones, and for the increasing numbers who seek the protection of the strange girl who can read the world and see the future.

Hild is a young woman at the heart of the violence, subtlety, and mysticism of the early Middle Ages—all of it brilliantly and accurately evoked by Nicola Griffith’s luminous prose. Working from what little historical record is extant, Griffith has brought a beautiful, brutal world to vivid, absorbing life.
Linda Nagata 0.0
There Needs To Be A War Going On Somewhere: Lieutenant James Shelley commands a high-tech squad of soldiers in a rural district within the African Sahel. They hunt insurgents each night on a harrowing patrol, guided by three simple goals: protect civilians, kill the enemy, and stay alive-because in a for-profit war manufactured by the defense industry there can be no cause worth dying for. To keep his soldiers safe, Shelley uses every high-tech asset available to him-but his best weapon is a flawless sense of imminent danger . . . as if God is with him, whispering warnings in his ear.
Sofia Samatar 4.2
Jevick, the pepper merchant's son, has been raised on stories of Olondria, a distant land where books are as common as they are rare in his home. When his father dies and Jevick takes his place on the yearly selling trip to Olondria, Jevick's life is as close to perfect as he can imagine. But just as he revels in Olondria's Rabelaisian Feast of Birds, he is pulled drastically off course and becomes haunted by the ghost of an illiterate young girl.

In desperation, Jevick seeks the aid of Olondrian priests and quickly becomes a pawn in the struggle between the empire's two most powerful cults. Yet even as the country shimmers on the cusp of war, he must face his ghost and learn her story before he has any chance of becoming free by setting her free: an ordeal that challenges his understanding of art and life, home and exile, and the limits of that seductive necromancy, reading.
Хелен Уэкер 4.2
В 1899 году в Нью-Йорке оказываются два мифических существа.
Голема слепили из глины; голем должна была стать верной женой сыну мебельного фабриканта, отправляющемуся в Новый Свет. Но посреди Атлантики ее хозяин умирает, и голем прибывает в Нью-Йорк одна. Она совсем не знает людей, боится толп, но безошибочно ощущает человеческие желания.
Джинн тысячу лет просидел в медной лампе, пока не был случайно освобожден жестянщиком из района Нью-Йорка, известного как Маленькая Сирия. Столетия пролетели для джинна как один миг; более того, он не помнит, как оказался в лампе и кто его туда заточил. Однажды на ночной прогулке посреди опустевшего города голем и джинн встретятся.


Ellen Klages, Andy Duncan 0.0
Wakulla Springs, in the deep jungle of the Florida panhandle, is the deepest submerged freshwater cave system in the world. In its unfathomable depths, a variety of curious creatures have left a record of their coming, of their struggle to survive, and of their eventual end. And that's just the local human beings over the last seventy-five years. Then there are the prehistoric creatures...and, just maybe, something else.

Ranging from the late 1930s to the present day, "Wakulla Springs" is a tour de force of the human, the strange, and the miraculous.
Nancy Kress 0.0
В детском возрасте Аннабель Ли попала в глубокую расщелину в горах, где провела несколько дней, пока её оттуда не вытащили. Но эти дни изменили её и всю историю человечества
© Kons
Veronica Schanoes 3.0
"Burning Girls", by Veronica Schanoes, is a fascinating dark fantasy novella about a Jewish girl educated by her grandmother as a healer and witch growing up in an increasingly hostile environment in Poland in the late nineteenth century. In addition to the natural danger of destruction by Cossacks, she must deal with a demon plaguing her family.
Lawrence M. Schoen 0.0
What would you do to save your best friend? At the end of BUFFALITO DESTINY, Conroy had lost his fortune and fled Earth. Reggie, his buffalito, had survived diving into a volcano, but slipped into a coma. Now Reggie is dying and the buffalito's internal nuclear furnace is growing unstable. Conroy's only hope lies with the Arconi, the aliens he ripped off to create his empire. Their help comes with a price: he has to go on trial for his crimes, against people who can telepathically tell when he's lying. Conroy knows he's guilty, but Reggie must be saved!
Catherynne M. Valente 4.4
A New York Times bestselling author offers a brilliant reinvention of one of the best-known fairy tales of all time with Snow White as a gunslinger in the mythical Wild West.

Forget the dark, enchanted forest. Picture instead a masterfully evoked Old West where you are more likely to find coyotes as the seven dwarves. Insert into this scene a plain-spoken, appealing narrator who relates the history of our heroine’s parents—a Nevada silver baron who forced the Crow people to give up one of their most beautiful daughters, Gun That Sings, in marriage to him. Although her mother’s life ended as hers began, so begins a remarkable tale: equal parts heartbreak and strength. This girl has been born into a world with no place for a half-native, half-white child. After being hidden for years, a very wicked stepmother finally gifts her with the name Snow White, referring to the pale skin she will never have. Filled with fascinating glimpses through the fabled looking glass and a close-up look at hard living in the gritty gun-slinging West, this is an utterly enchanting story…at once familiar and entirely new.

Короткая повесть

Альетт де Бодар 3.3
Лан Нхен летит на кладбище космических кораблей, разбитых в сражении. Есть слабая надежда на то, что её двоюродная бабушка – Разум, одушевляющий корабль, − ещё жива. В то же время в центре Галактической Федерации ищет место в жизни Кэтрин, воспитанная врагами своего народа.


Рэйчел Свирски 2.5
История женщины, которая размышляет о том, что было бы, если бы её возлюбленный был динозавром.
© Kons
Мэтью Крессел 0.0
Старая Земля погибает от токсического заражения. Все кто смогли перебрались на новую Землю, которую создали корпорации. Но на Земле остались отдельные люди, которые не могут просто бросить свои привязанности. Один из них живет под стазис куполом, в котором сохранилась часть природы, заполненная звуками живой жизни. Сможет ли он услышать их где-либо ещё...
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