Вручение июль 2016 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: г. Нью-Йорк, штат Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: июль 2016 г.

Лучшая первая книга

Pintip Dunn 3.5
Imagine a world where your destiny has already been decided...by your future self.

It's Callie's seventeenth birthday and, like everyone else, she's eagerly awaiting her vision -- a memory sent back in time to sculpt each citizen into the person they're meant to be. A world-class swimmer. A renowned scientist.

Or in Callie's case, a criminal.

In her vision, she sees herself murdering her gifted younger sister. Before she can process what it means, Callie is arrested and placed in prison. The only person who can help is her childhood crush, Logan, a boy she hasn't spoken to in five years.

Logan breaks her free, but can she trust him? He's almost the same boy she remembers, but now he's a whole lot hotter. And he's got his own past to deal with. Callie's falling for him, fast, but she soon learns he has secrets of his own. Secrets that mean they can never be together.

Now, Callie's on the run not only from the government, but also from her fate. If she wants any hope of a future with Logan, she must find a way to protect her sister from the biggest threat of all -- herself.

Современный длинный роман

Мейси Ейтс 0.0
There are lines best friends shouldn't cross, but in Copper Ridge, Oregon, the temptation might be too much…

If practice makes perfect, Connor Garrett should be world champion of being alone. Since losing his wife he's concentrated exclusively on his family's ranch. Until his dear friend Felicity Foster needs a place to stay and Connor invites her to move in temporarily. That's what friends do—and Liss is his rock. What friends don't do? Suddenly start fantasizing about each other in their underwear. Or out of it…

Since high school, Liss has kept her raging crush in check. Another few weeks should be a breeze. But helping Connor rebuild his life only reinforces how much she longs to be a part of it. One explosive encounter, and she'll discover that getting what you always wanted can feel better than you ever dreamed…

Современный средний роман

Сарина Боуэн, Элли Кеннеди 4.3
Они играют за разные команды. Или нет? Джейми Каннинг так и не смог понять, каким образом потерял своего ближайшего друга. Четыре года назад его нынешний сосед по комнате – саркастичный, татуированный нарушитель правил Вес – без объяснений перестал с ним общаться. Окей, в последнюю ночь в летнем хоккейном лагере между ними, двумя восемнадцатилетними парнями, произошло кое-что странное, но то было всего лишь навеянное спиртным дурачество. Никто ведь не умер. Больше всего на свете Райан Весли жалеет о том, как однажды, взяв своего стопроцентно гетеросексуального друга на «слабо», раздвинул границы их отношений. Теперь, когда их хоккейным командам предстоит помериться силами в национальном чемпионате, у него наконец-то появился шанс извиниться, но, стоит ему увидеть свою давнюю любовь, и боль возвращается – сильная, как никогда. Вместо долгожданных ответов Джейми получает все новые и новые вопросы. Может ли одна ночь секса разрушить дружбу? А шесть недель? Когда Весли неожиданно появляется в лагере, чтобы провести там еще одно жаркое лето, но уже в качестве тренера, Джейми предстоит узнать о своем старом друге еще несколько вещей... и одну важную вещь о себе.

Современный короткий роман

Сара М. Андерсон 4.0
Триш - красавица, умница и лучшая студентка университета - озабочена грандиозным проектом, но на него нужны деньги. С помощью остроумной уловки она сумела так впечатлить миллиардера Нейта Лонгмайра, кстати, очень интересного мужчину, что он не отказал ей в помощи и назначил встречу, но… благополучно о ней забыл. Триш не отступила и явилась прямо в его особняк. Нейт все вспомнил и сделал девушке невероятное, но очень странное предложение, которое она приняла. А как было не принять, когда предлагают такой гонорар? Теперь у нее будут деньги на проект. Но вот беда, угораздило же ее влюбиться в миллиардера…

Эротический роман

Алексис Холл 4.3
Laurence Dalziel is worn down and washed up, and for him, the BDSM scene is all played out. Six years on from his last relationship, he's pushing forty and tired of going through the motions of submission.
Then he meets Toby Finch. Nineteen years old. Fearless, fierce, and vulnerable. Everything Laurie can't remember being.
Toby doesn't know who he wants to be or what he wants to do. But he knows, with all the certainty of youth, that he wants Laurie. He wants him on his knees. He wants to make him hurt, he wants to make him beg, he wants to make him fall in love.
The problem is, while Laurie will surrender his body, he won't surrender his heart. Because Toby is too young, too intense, too easy to hurt. And what they have-no matter how right it feels-can't last. It can't mean anything.
It can't be real.

Исторический длинный роман

Дианн Гист 0.0
As preparations for the 1893 World’s Fair set Chicago and the nation on fire, Louis Tiffany—heir to the exclusive Fifth Avenue jewelry empire—seizes the opportunity to unveil a state-of-the-art stained-glass mosaic chapel the likes of which the world has never seen.

But when Louis’s dream is threatened by a glassworkers’ strike months before the Fair opens, he turns to an unforeseen source for help: the female students at the New York Art Institute. Eager for adventure, the young women pick up their skirts, move to boarding houses, take up steel cutters, and assume new identities as the “Tiffany Girls.”

Tiffany Girl is the heartwarming story of the impetuous Flossie Jayne, a beautiful budding artist who is handpicked by Louis to help complete the Tiffany chapel. Though excited to be an independent New Woman at a time when most of the fair sex stayed home, she quickly finds the world is less welcoming than she anticipated. From a Casanova male to an unconventional married couple and a condescending singing master, she takes on a colorful cast of characters to transform the boarding house into a home while racing to complete the Tiffany chapel and make a name for herself in the art world.

As challenges mount, her ambitions become threatened from an unexpected quarter: her own heart. What or who will claim victory? Her dreams or the captivating boarder next door?

Исторический короткий роман

Джулия Энн Лонг 3.8
Lord Philippe Lavay once took to the high seas armed with charm as lethal as his sword and a stone-cold conviction: he'll restore his family's fortune and honor, no matter the cost. Victory is at last within reach--when a brutal attack snatches it from his grasp and lands him in Pennyroyal Green.

An afternoon of bliss brings a cascade of consequences for Elise Fountain. Shunned by her family and ousted from a job she loves, survival means a plummet down the social ladder to a position no woman has yet been able to keep: housekeeper to a frighteningly formidable prince.

The bold and gentle Elise sees past his battered body into Philippe's barricaded heart...and her innate sensuality ignites his blood. Now a man who thought he could never love and a woman who thought she would never again trust must fight an incendiary passion that could be the ruin of them both.

Романтический саспенс - длинный

Дана Мартон 0.0
When an American teenager disappears abroad, Clara Roberts, a by-the-book investigator on a secret mission, joins forces with Light Walker, an ex-SEAL turned lawless mercenary, to save her. The sparks they generate—and the trouble they stir up—threaten to set the jungle ablaze. Nothing is what it seems in this fast-paced romantic thriller. As attraction grows into love, looming danger turns into all-out war, and the whole region explodes around them. Clara and Walker must hold on to each other and race against time to survive.
Лорет Энн Уайт 4.1
Успешный автор детективов Мэг Броган отправляется в родной город, чтобы написать книгу о нераскрытом убийстве сестры, которое произошло два десятка лет назад. Мэг тогда нашли без сознания неподалеку от места преступления. Очнувшись, она так и не вспомнила, что с ней случилось. Ныне она пытается хотя бы частично восстановить события, но цель ее приезда не встречает понимания в городе. Кто-то расписывает ее дом кровью и стреляет по окнам…

Роман с религиозными или духовными элементами

Кристи Энн Хантер 0.0
Lady Miranda Hawthorne acts every inch the lady, but inside she longs to be bold and carefree. Entering her fourth Season and approaching spinsterhood in the eyes of society, she pours her innermost feelings out not in a diary but in letters to her brother's old school friend, a duke--with no intention of ever sending these private thoughts to a man she's heard stories about but never met. Meanwhile, she also finds herself intrigued by Marlow, her brother's new valet, and although she may wish to break free of the strictures that bind her, falling in love with a servant is more of a rebellion than she planned.

When Marlow accidentally discovers and mails one of the letters to her unwitting confidant, Miranda is beyond mortified. And even more shocked when the duke returns her note with one of his own that initiates a courtship-by-mail. Insecurity about her lack of suitors shifts into confusion at her growing feelings for two men--one she's never met but whose words deeply resonate with her heart, and one she has come to depend on but whose behavior is more and more suspicious. When it becomes apparent state secrets are at risk and Marlow is right in the thick of the conflict, one thing is certain: Miranda's heart is far from all that's at risk for the Hawthornes and those they love.
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