Вручение 2007 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Лос-Анджелес, Los Angeles Times Festival of Books Дата проведения: 2007 г.

Художественная литература

Andrew O'Hagan 0.0
"Always trust a stranger," said David’s mother when he returned from Rome. "It’s the people you know who let you down."
Half a life later, David is Father Anderton, a Catholic priest with a small parish in Scotland. He befriends Mark and Lisa, rebellious local teenagers who live in a world he barely understands. Their company stirs memories of earlier happiness—his days at a Catholic school in Yorkshire, the student revolt in 1960s Oxford, and a choice he once made in the orange groves of Rome. But their friendship also ignites the suspicions and smoldering hatred of a town that resents strangers, and brings Father David to a reckoning with the gathered tensions of past and present.
In this masterfully written novel, Andrew O’Hagan explores the emotional and moral contradictions of religious life in a faithless age.
Динау Менгесту 4.0
Seventeen years ago, Sepha Stephanos fled the Ethiopian Revolution for a new start in the United States. Now he finds himself running a failing grocery store in a poor African-American section of Washington, D.C., his only companions two fellow African immigrants who share his bitter nostalgia and longing for his home continent. Years ago and worlds away Sepha could never have imagined a life of such isolation. As his environment begins to change, hope comes in the form of a friendship with new neighbors Judith and Naomi, a white woman and her biracial daughter. But when a series of racial incidents disturbs the community, Sepha may lose everything all over again.

Watch a QuickTime interview with Dinaw Mengestu about this book.
Джуно Диас 3.9
Очень заковыристо все в жизни Оскара, доброго, но прискорбно тучного романтика и фаната комиксов и фантастики из испано-язычного гетто в Нью-Джерси, мечтающего стать доминиканским Дж. Р. Р. Толкиеном, но прежде всего — найти любовь, хоть какую-нибудь. Но мечтам его так и остаться бы мечтами, если бы не фуку — древнее проклятье, преследующее семью Оскара на протяжении многих поколений: тюрьма, пытки и страдания, трагические происшествия и, самое печальное, несчастная любовь — таков удел семьи Оскара. Его мать Бели — божественная красавица с неукротимым и буйным нравом, испытала на себе всю силу семейного проклятия. Его сестра попыталась сбежать от неизбежности. И Оскар, с отрочества тщетно мечтающий о первом поцелуе, был бы лишь очередной жертвой фуку — пока одним знаменательным летом он не решил избавить семью от страшного проклятья.

С невероятной энергией, литературным обаянием и знанием предмета Джуно Диас погружает читателя в бурную жизнь Оскара, его своенравной сестры Лолы и их неистовой матери Белисии, красавицы с королевской статью, а также в историю эпического путешествия семьи из прекрасного, но печального Санто-Доминго в обыкновенный американский городок Патерсон и обратно. Искренности и юмору автора трудно противостоять. "Короткая фантастическая Оскара Вау" живописует современный мир в непривычном, тревожном и завораживающем ракурсе, повествуя об извечной готовности человека претерпеть все — и рискнуть всем — во имя любви.

Иначе, как подлинным литературным триумфом этот роман назвать невозможно, и со всей очевидностью, Джуно Диас — один из самых необычных, своеобразных и притягательных писателей наших дней.
Стюарт О’Нан 0.0
The Red Lobster perched in the far corner of a run-down New England mall hasn't been making its numbers and headquarters has pulled the plug. But manager Manny DeLeon still needs to navigate a tricky last shift with a near-mutinous staff. All the while, he's wondering how to handle the waitress he's still in love with, what to do about his pregnant girlfriend, and where to find the present that will make everything better.

Stewart O'Nan has been called "the bard of the working class," and Last Night at the Lobster is one of his most acclaimed works to date.
Per Petterson 4.7
In 1948, fifteen-year-old Trond spends a summer in the country with his father. The unexpected events that come to pass alter his life forever.

An early morning adventure out stealing horses leaves Trond confused when his friend Jon suffers a sudden breakdown. Behind this scene, he will discover, lies a personal tragedy: the first incident in the gradual destruction of the two boys' families.

As an old man, living in an isolated part of Norway, Trond chances upon a character from that fateful summer who stirs up painful memories and forces him to look back at his past.

Out Stealing Horses is a poignant and moving tale of a changing perspective on the world, from youthful innocence to the difficult acceptance of betrayal, an of nostalgia for a simpler way of life.

Марианна Уиггинс 4.0
The Shadow Catcher is a journey through time, a story-within-a-story that seamlessly interweaves the nineteenth-century life of renowned photographer of the Native American peoples Edward S. Curtis with the present-day story of an unlikely father-daughter reunion from beyond the grave. Told in the first person by a fictional character named Marianne Wiggins, the novel begins in Los Angeles, where Hollywood is in pursuit of the manuscript for The Shadow Catcher, about the photographer's self-proclaimed mission to document a vanishing race. 'This is the perfect project', the film producers gush. 'It's got the outdoors. It's got adventure. It's got the do-good element.' This surface reading of Curtis's biography (the one popularly held today) sets in motion a journey into the American past, where his complex emotional life bore no resemblance to his esteemed public reputation as servant to his nation. In reality, the artist was an absent husband and disappearing father. This is where Marianne's father, John Wiggins, comes in.Fuelled by the great American passions for love and land and family, The Shadow Catcher chases the silhouettes of our collective history into the bright light of the present.

Детектив / Триллер

Карин Фоссум 4.2
When perpetual bachelor Gunder Jomann goes to India for two weeks and comes home married, the town of Elvestad is stunned. On the day the Indian bride is supposed to arrive, the battered body of a woman is found in a meadow on the outskirts of town. None of the "good people of Elvestad" can believe that anyone among them would be capable of such a brutal murder. But in his quiet, formal way, Inspector Konrad Sejer understands that good people can commit atrocious deeds, and that no one is altogether innocent—including the café owner who knows too much, the girl who wants to be a chief witness, and the bodybuilder with no outlet for his terrible strength.

Another brilliantly conceived, dark novel from one of Europe’s most successful crime writers.

Молодежная литература

Филип Рив 4.1
Впервые на русском — четвертый роман эпопеи «Хроники хищных городов».

Бушевавшая полтора десятилетия война между союзом движущихся городов («Тракционштадтсгезельшафт») и Зеленой Грозой — экстремальной группировкой, захватившей власть в Лиге противников движения, — ненадолго утихла, и генерал Нага, возглавивший Лигу после предполагаемой гибели Сталкера Анны Фанг, ведет сложные переговоры с «движенцами». Но хрупкое перемирие висит на волоске: адепты муниципального дарвинизма ненавидят «моховиков», фанатичные сторонники Анны по-прежнему мечтают стереть с лица земли все города и снова сделать мир зеленым. Тем временем в развалинах уничтоженного почти двадцать лет назад Лондона в глубокой тайне разрабатывается устройство, которое может положить конец войне раз и навсегда…

Возможно, самая ожидаемая премьера 2018 года — это экранизация первого романа эпопеи, «Смертных машин», выходящая на экраны в декабре 2018 года под названием «Хроники хищных городов». Исполнительным продюсером картины и автором сценария выступает Питер Джексон, постановщиком — Кристиан Риверс (мастер спецэффектов, работавший с Джексоном на съемках «Властелина колец», «Хоббита» и «Кинг-Конга»), в ролях Стивен Лэнг из «Аватара» и Хью Уивинг («Матрица», «Властелин колец»).


Tim Weiner 0.0
For the last sixty years, the CIA has managed to maintain a formidable reputation in spite of its terrible record, burying its blunders in top-secret archives. Its mission was to know the world. When it did not succeed, it set out to change the world. Its failures have handed us, in the words of President Eisenhower, “a legacy of ashes.”

Now Pulitzer Prize–winning author Tim Weiner offers the first definitive history of the CIA—and everything is on the record. LEGACY OF ASHES is based on more than 50,000 documents, primarily from the archives of the CIA itself, and hundreds of interviews with CIA veterans, including ten Directors of Central Intelligence. It takes the CIA from its creation after World War II, through its battles in the cold war and the war on terror, to its near-collapse after September 11th, 2001.

Tim Weiner’s past work on the CIA and American intelligence was hailed as “impressively reported” and “immensely entertaining” in The New York Times.

The Wall Street Journal called it “truly extraordinary . . . the best book ever written on a case of espionage.” Here is the hidden history of the CIA: why eleven presidents and three generations of CIA officers have been unable to understand the world; why nearly every CIA director has left the agency in worse shape than he found it; and how these failures have profoundly jeopardized our national security.


Саймон Себаг Монтефиоре 4.1
Семинарист, герой-любовник, террорист, поэт, метеоролог, пират, охотник — и это далеко не все обличья Сталина, еще не ставшего тираном. Всегда ли в нем дремал безжалостный диктатор, способный уничтожить миллионы людей? Почему именно на него пал выбор истории? Каким видели Сталина современники, которые его еще не боялись? Чтобы ответить на эти вопросы, британский историк Саймон Себаг Монтефиоре разыскал уникальные архивные документы и восстановил дооктябрьский период жизни советского вождя, тщательно фиксируя каждый шаг на пути к кремлевскому трону.
Книга “Молодой Сталин” Монтефиоре, увлекательная, взвешенная и во многом неожиданная, вызвала широкий читательский отклик и стала мировым бестеллером. Она добавляет важные черты к портрету, созданному автором в предыдущей биографии — “Сталин. Двор Красного монарха”.

Премия Роберта Кирша

Нынешний интерес

Элизабет Самет 0.0
What does literature - particularly the literature of war - mean to a student who is likely to encounter its reality? What is the best way to stir uninhibited classroom discussions in a setting that is designed to train students to follow orders, respect authority, and survive grueling physical and mental experiences? This is the terrain Samet traverses each semester, a challenge beautifully captured in Soldier's Heart. The excerpt ends with an extensive list of recommended books and films.

Elizabeth D. Samet and her students learned to romanticize the army "from the stories of their fathers and from the movies." For Samet, it was the old World War II movies she used to watch on TV, while her students grew up on Braveheart and Saving Private Ryan. Unlike their teacher, however, these students, cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point, have decided to turn make-believe into real life.

West Point is a world away from Yale, where Samet attended graduate school and where nothing sufficiently prepared her for teaching literature to young men and women who were training to fight a war. Intimate and poignant, Soldier's Heart chronicles the various tensions inherent in that life as well as the ways in which war has transformed Samet's relationship to literature. Fighting in Iraq, Samet's former students share what books and movies mean to them—the poetry of Wallace Stevens, the fiction of Virginia Woolf and J. M. Coetzee, the epics of Homer, or the films of James Cagney. Their letters in turn prompt Samet to wonder exactly what she owes to cadets in the classroom.

Samet arrived at West Point before September 11, 2001, and has seen the academy change dramatically. In Soldier's Heart, she reads this transformation through her own experiences and those of her students. Forcefully examining what it means to be a civilian teaching literature at a military academy, Samet also considers the role of women in the army, the dangerous tides of religious and political zeal roiling the country, the uses of the call to patriotism, and the cult of sacrifice she believes is currently paralyzing national debate. Ultimately, Samet offers an honest and original reflection on the relationship between art and life.


Стэнли Пламли 0.0
In his new collection, Stanley Plumly confronts and celebrates mortality—in the detailed natural world, in the immediacy of the loss of friends, and in personal encounters. Archetypal, sometimes even allegorical, the poems in Old Heart amount to a sustained meditation. The American Academy of Arts and Letters declared of Plumly that "he has in the last thirty years quietly, steadily, expanded the range of lyric poetry in English...[and] reinvigorated our poetry." His ethical rigor and literary modesty combine in Old Heart—his finest book of poetry.

Наука и технология

Douglas R. Hofstadter 4.2
Can thought arise out of matter? Can self, soul, consciousness, “I” arise out of mere matter? If it cannot, then how can you or I be here?
I Am a Strange Loop argues that the key to understanding selves and consciousness is the “strange loop”—a special kind of abstract feedback loop inhabiting our brains. The most central and complex symbol in your brain is the one called “I.” The “I” is the nexus in our brain, one of many symbols seeming to have free will and to have gained the paradoxical ability to push particles around, rather than the reverse.

How can a mysterious abstraction be real—or is our “I” merely a convenient fiction? Does an “I” exert genuine power over the particles in our brain, or is it helplessly pushed around by the laws of physics?

These are the mysteries tackled in I Am a Strange Loop, Douglas Hofstadter’s first book-length journey into philosophy since Gödel, Escher, Bach. Compulsively readable and endlessly thought-provoking, this is a moving and profound inquiry into the nature of mind.