Вручение ноябрь 2000 г.

Страна: Норвегия Место проведения: город Осло Дата проведения: ноябрь 2000 г.

Лучший роман года

Per Petterson 0.0
At times unbearably moving, In the Wake is a powerful and heart-rending novel based on Per Petterson’s personal tragedy of losing many of his family in the sinking of the Estonia.

From the Hardcover edition.
When Arvid Jansen comes-to one morning in the doorway of a bookstore in Oslo, Norway, his grief comes back to him in devastating flashes: His parents and his brothers are dead, he has lost touch with his wife and daughters, abandoned his career as a writer and bookseller. His old life is gone.

In the Wake is the story of Arvid's first steps toward resuming that life, of his gradual confrontation with everything he lost and ultimately with his own role in the disaster that killed his family.

Told with the insight and moral force of his countryman Knut Hamsun, In the Wake is the American debut of a treasured European writer.

Книга для детей и юношества

Rune Belsvik 0.0
Arne Bu slutta brått i den vidaregåande skulen og reiste frå kjærasten sin. Han hamna på brakke i ein framand by saman med to eldre karar og jobbar på ein byggeplass. No er han klar for livets kaotiske utfalding, med sin nærande damp og sitrande lyst! På attenårsdagen går han ut i ny gul bukse for å feira med eit besøk der dei hundre sjukepleiarane bur.

Открытый класс

Карин Фоссум 4.2

В открытом классе номинация "Криминальный триллер".

When perpetual bachelor Gunder Jomann goes to India for two weeks and comes home married, the town of Elvestad is stunned. On the day the Indian bride is supposed to arrive, the battered body of a woman is found in a meadow on the outskirts of town. None of the "good people of Elvestad" can believe that anyone among them would be capable of such a brutal murder. But in his quiet, formal way, Inspector Konrad Sejer understands that good people can commit atrocious deeds, and that no one is altogether innocent—including the café owner who knows too much, the girl who wants to be a chief witness, and the bodybuilder with no outlet for his terrible strength.

Another brilliantly conceived, dark novel from one of Europe’s most successful crime writers.

Почётная премия

Эльдрид Лунден
Эльдрид Лунден / Eldrid Lunden
1 книга
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