Вручение 2010 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2010 г.

Книга для детей старшего возраста

Кейт Месснер 0.0
In the mountains of rural Vermont, fall is a season of beauty and transformation . . . but not for Gianna Z. With less than one week to collect twenty-five leaves for a science project, her spot at cross-country sectionals is in serious peril. Plus with a dad who runs a funeral parlor out of the basement, a grandma who keeps losing her teeth, and a rival trying to steal her spot on the team, Gee just wishes life could leave her alone to finish her project. But when Nonna disappears one afternoon, suddenly some things seem more important than projects and races.

Gianna Z. will have readers rooting for her-and maybe even for science projects-from the very first page of this funny and poignant novel about family, friendship, and being true to yourself.

Детская иллюстрированная книга

Питер Браун 4.9
Что будет, если все жители какого-нибудь города станут помогать природе? Как изменится такой город? И с чего все это могло бы начаться? Как сделать мир зеленее? Посади сад!