Вручение 2016 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2016 г.

Художественная литература для взрослых

Лорен Грофф 3.8
Вы верите, что залог семейного счастья – честность и доверие. Этот роман разрывает шаблоны, ломает ваши представления о том, что лежит в основе семейного счастья: понимание и уважение или ложь и обман.

Популярный драматург Ланселот Саттервайт – Лотто – долго шел к успеху. Он пережил юношеские трагедии, увидел смерть ровесника, отчаянно мечтал о первой красавице колледжа Матильде. Годами рьяно и безуспешно творил и... в один день проснулся знаменитым.

А теперь узнаем версию Матильды, его жены…

Страсть и ложь, месть и искупление сплетаются в этой истории в невероятный узел.
Гарт Риск Халлберг 3.0
Its New Years Eve, 1976, and New York is a city on the edge. As midnight approaches, a blizzard sets in - and amidst the fireworks, an unmistakable sound rings out across Central Park. Gunshots. Two of them.
The search for the shooter will bring together a rich cast of New Yorkers. From the reluctant heirs to one of the citys greatest fortunes, to a couple of Long Island kids drawn to the punk scene downtown. From the newly arrived and enchanted, to those so sick of the city they want to burn it to the ground. All these lives are connected to one another - and to the life that still clings to that body in the park. Whether they know it or not, they are bound up in the same story - a story where history and revolution, love and art, crime and conspiracy are all packed into a single shell, ready to explode.
Then, on July 13th, 1977, the lights go out in New York City.
Келли Линк 3.5
Загадочные существа, моделирующие в заброшенном загородном доме механическое королевство; золотая молодежь, обустраивающая собственные гробницы на египетский манер; супергерои, оккупировавшие телестудии в надежде прославиться на реалити-шоу; необъяснимое исчезновение космического корабля... В девяти остроумных рассказах Келли Линк описывает сумасшедший и чрезвычайно похожий на наш мир, в котором все, от тинейджеров до ошалевшего от кризиса среднего возраста голливудского актера, настойчиво ищут перемен... А находят все новые и новые проблемы!
Ханья Янагихара 4.3
Университетские хроники, древнегреческая трагедия, воспитательный роман, скроенный по образцу толстых романов XIX века, страшная сказка на ночь — к роману американской писательницы Ханьи Янагихары подойдет любое из этих определений, но это тот случай, когда для каждого читателя книга становится уникальной, потому что ее не просто читаешь, а проживаешь в режиме реального времени. Для кого-то этот роман станет историей о дружбе, которая подчас сильнее и крепче любви, для кого-то — книгой, о которой боишься вспоминать и которая в книжном шкафу прячется, как чудище под кроватью, а для кого-то “Маленькая жизнь” станет повестью о жизни, о любой жизни, которая достойна того, чтобы ее рассказали по-настоящему хотя бы одному человеку.
Вьет Тхань Нгуен 4.1
Вьетнамская война подходит к концу. Падение Сайгона лишь вопрос времени. Это понимают все. Американцы медленно выводят свои войска из страны. Теперь уже бывший президент отдал приказ к отступлению и бежал. Готовится к эвакуации и один из высокопоставленных генералов, мечтавших превратить Вьетнам в цветущий рай с американским образом жизни. Вместе с ним должен покинуть родину и главный герой, самый преданный его офицер, правая рука, а по совместительству двойной агент, работающий и на США, и на СССР. Он, за весь роман ни разу не названный по имени, уже давно перестал различать своих и чужих и никак не может понять, на чьей же стороне сражается. Опустошенный, измотанный нескончаемой бойней, среди разрухи и хаоса он пытается понять, кто же победил в этой войне и победил ли хоть кто-то? Но впереди его ждут еще большие трудности, ведь тот, кто сочувствовал всем, рискует рано или поздно стать для всех врагом.
Т. Джеронимо Джонсон 3.0





From the PEN/Faulkner finalist and critically acclaimed author of Hold It ’Til It Hurts comes a dark and socially provocative Southern-fried comedy about four UC Berkeley students who stage a dramatic protest during a Civil War reenactment—a fierce, funny, tragic work from a bold new writer.

Welcome to Braggsville. The City that Love Built in the Heart of Georgia. Population 712

Born and raised in the heart of old Dixie, D’aron Davenport finds himself in unfamiliar territory his freshman year at UC Berkeley. Two thousand miles and a world away from his childhood, he is a small-town fish floundering in the depths of a large, hyper-liberal pond. Caught between the prosaic values of his rural hometown and the intellectualized multicultural cosmopolitanism of Berzerkeley, the nineteen-year-old white kid is uncertain about his place until one disastrous party brings him three idiosyncratic best friends: Louis, a “kung-fu comedian" from California; Candice, an earnest do-gooder claiming Native roots from Iowa; and Charlie, an introspective inner-city black teen from Chicago. They dub themselves the “4 Little Indians.”

But everything changes in the group’s alternative history class, when D’aron lets slip that his hometown hosts an annual Civil War reenactment, recently rebranded “Patriot Days.” His announcement is met with righteous indignation, and inspires Candice to suggest a “performative intervention” to protest the reenactment. Armed with youthful self-importance, makeshift slave costumes, righteous zeal, and their own misguided ideas about the South, the 4 Little Indians descend on Braggsville. Their journey through backwoods churches, backroom politics, Waffle Houses, and drunken family barbecues is uproarious to start, but will have devastating consequences.

With the keen wit of "Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk" and the deft argot of "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao", T. Geronimo Johnson has written an astonishing, razor-sharp satire. Using a panoply of styles and tones, from tragicomic to Southern Gothic, he skewers issues of class, race, intellectual and political chauvinism, Obamaism, social media, and much more.

A literary coming-of-age novel for a new generation, written with tremendous social insight and a unique, generous heart, "Welcome to Braggsville" reminds us of the promise and perils of youthful exuberance, while painting an indelible portrait of contemporary America.

Документальная литература для взрослых

Ta-Nehisi Coates 3.5
“This is your country, this is your world, this is your body, and you must find some way to live within the all of it.”

In a profound work that pivots from the biggest questions about American history and ideals to the most intimate concerns of a father for his son, Ta-Nehisi Coates offers a powerful new framework for understanding our nation’s history and current crisis. Americans have built an empire on the idea of “race,” a falsehood that damages us all but falls most heavily on the bodies of black women and men—bodies exploited through slavery and segregation, and, today, threatened, locked up, and murdered out of all proportion. What is it like to inhabit a black body and find a way to live within it? And how can we all honestly reckon with this fraught history and free ourselves from its burden?

Between the World and Me is Ta-Nehisi Coates’s attempt to answer these questions in a letter to his adolescent son. Coates shares with his son—and readers—the story of his awakening to the truth about his place in the world through a series of revelatory experiences, from Howard University to Civil War battlefields, from the South Side of Chicago to Paris, from his childhood home to the living rooms of mothers whose children’s lives were taken as American plunder. Beautifully woven from personal narrative, reimagined history, and fresh, emotionally charged reportage, Between the World and Me clearly illuminates the past, bracingly confronts our present, and offers a transcendent vision for a way forward.
Эрик Ларсон 4.2
Эрик Ларсон — американский писатель, журналист, лауреат множества премий, автор популярных исторических книг. Среди них мировые бестселлеры: “В саду чудовищ. Любовь и террор в гитлеровском Берлине”, “Буря ""Исаак""”, “Гром небесный” и “Дьявол в белом горо-де” (премия Эдгара По и номинация на премию “Золотой кинжал” за лучшее произведение нон-фикшн от Ассоциации детективных писателей). “Мертвый след” (2015) — захватываю-щий рассказ об одном из самых трагических событий Первой мировой войны — гибели “Лузитании”, роскошного океанского лайнера, совершавшего в апреле 1915 года свой 201-й рейс из Нью-Йорка в Ливерпуль. Корабль был торпедирован германской субмариной U-20 7 мая 1915 года и затонул за 18 минут в 19 км от берегов Ирландии. Погибло 1198 человек из 1959 быв-ших на борту.
Хелен Макдональд 3.7
Смерть любимого отца расколола жизнь Хелен на ""до"" и ""после"", однако она нашла необычный способ справиться с горем, взяв на воспитание ястреба-тетеревятника. Страдающая от горечи утраты женщина и крылатый хищник – казалось бы, что общего может быть между ними? Однако с каждым днем они все крепче привязываются друг к другу и все глубже постигают красоту окружающего мира и непреходящее очарование бытия.
Sally Mann 0.0
In this groundbreaking book, a unique interplay of narrative and image, Mann's preoccupation with family, race, mortality, and the storied landscape of the American South are revealed as almost genetically predetermined, written into her DNA by the family history that precedes her.

Sorting through boxes of family papers and yellowed photographs she finds more than she bargained for: "deceit and scandal, alcohol, domestic abuse, car crashes, bogeymen, clandestine affairs, dearly loved and disputed family land . . . racial complications, vast sums of money made and lost, the return of the prodigal son, and maybe even bloody murder."

In lyrical prose and startlingly revealing photographs, she crafts a totally original form of personal history that has the page-turning drama of a great novel but is firmly rooted in the fertile soil of her own life.
Мари Муцуки Мокетт 3.5
Marie Mutsuki Mockett's family owns a Buddhist temple 25 miles from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. In March 2011, after the earthquake and tsunami, radiation levels prohibited the burial of her Japanese grandfather's bones. As Japan mourned thousands of people lost in the disaster, Mockett also grieved for her American father, who had died unexpectedly.

Seeking consolation, Mockett is guided by a colorful cast of Zen priests and ordinary Japanese who perform rituals that disturb, haunt, and finally uplift her. Her journey leads her into the radiation zone in an intricate white hazmat suit; to Eiheiji, a school for Zen Buddhist monks; on a visit to a Crab Lady and Fuzzy-Headed Priest’s temple on Mount Doom; and into the "thick dark" of the subterranean labyrinth under Kiyomizu temple, among other twists and turns. From the ecstasy of a cherry blossom festival in the radiation zone to the ghosts inhabiting chopsticks, Mockett writes of both the earthly and the sublime with extraordinary sensitivity. Her unpretentious and engaging voice makes her the kind of companion a reader wants to stay with wherever she goes, even into the heart of grief itself.

Лучшая художественная книга для молодёжи

Гавриэль Савит 0.0
From School Library Journal

Gr 8 Up—In 1939 Krakow, seven-year-old Anna realizes her linguist father is not coming back from a meeting of university professors who have been summoned by the Gestapo. She can speak many languages and converse with adults, and she's able to adapt to her surroundings as Anja, Khannaleh, Anke, or whichever persona she chooses. Her father's friend, Herr Doktor Fuchsmann, becomes fearful about hiding her, so she takes to the streets, following a tall man with a doctor's bag who talks to birds. The Swallow Man's name is never learned, but the pair wander the countryside together for four years, in a story that gradually becomes less plot-based and more allegorical. There is plenty of bird imagery, suggesting the Swallow Man might be a trickster, as he swoops, nests, and eats little but dried bread. Yet there are also hints he has run from some nefarious involvement in the war and no longer wants to be "an instrument of death." Spare dialogue and elegant prose are filled with subtleties, including the language Swallow Man and Anna agree to use to keep her safe, called the "Road." Though Anna is a child at the beginning, she ages over the course of this novel, which gets darker and more violent toward the end. When Reb Hirschl, a burly and friendly Jewish man they meet in the woods, is killed and an unscrupulous doctor asks Anna to strip in exchange for medicine, it is a loss of innocence the author compares to hatching from the egg so that she will fly on her own. VERDICT More interpretive than literal, the story will generate discussion among YA readers.—Vicki Reutter, State University of New York at Cortland
Ноэль Стивенсон 4.5
К знаменитому злодею Баллистеру Черносерду вдруг заваливается неизвестная девушка и напрашивается ему в приспешники. Девушку зовут Нимона, и она - перевертыш, способный превращаться в любого человека или живое существо. Она ничего не рассказывает о прошлом, но горит желанием помочь Баллистеру в его борьбе с двуличной Академией и её чемпионом сэром Златогульфом.

"Нимона" начинается как типичное фэнтези, но главная героиня быстро отказывается играть по правилам. Иногда она шокирующе жестока, иногда обидчива как маленький ребенок, но всегда непредсказуема. И вслед за ней меняется и книга, оказываясь то трагической историей о дружбе, то высказыванием о природе власти, то романом взросления, а иногда и страшной сказкой. Как и главная героиня, "Нимона" - это книга-перевёртыш.
Джули Мерфи 4.0
Уиллоудин Диксон не считает слово «толстый» оскорбительным: у кого-то костлявые коленки, у кого-то большая грудь, а Уилл — толстая, и это просто факт. Но лето перед выпускным классом переворачивает весь ее мир с ног на голову. Первая работа. Первый поцелуй. Первая ссора с подругой. И впервые в жизни ей становится неловко за свое тело. Чтобы вновь поверить в себя, Уиллоудин решает принять участие в конкурсе красоты и доказать, что стать королевой может каждая девушка, независимо от размера одежды.

Роман был неоднократно номинирован на литературные премии и экранизирован в 2018 году.
Адам Сильвера 4.1
Специальное расширенное издание восхитительного дебюта Адама Сильверы с предисловием от Энджи Томас (автора бестселлера "Вся ваша ненависть"), новой последней главой "Настоящий хеппи-энд" и послесловием о том, как всё начиналось.

Вскоре после самоубийства отца шестнадцатилетний Аарон Сото безуспешно пытается вновь обрести счастье. Горе и шрам в виде смайлика на запястье не дают ему забыть о случившемся. Несмотря на поддержку девушки и матери, боль не отпускает. И только благодаря Томасу, новому другу, внутри у Аарона что-то меняется. Однако он быстро понимает, что испытывает к Томасу не просто дружеские чувства. Тогда Аарон решается на крайние меры: он обращается в институт Летео, который специализируется на новой революционной технологии подавления памяти. Аарон хочет забыть свои чувства и стать таким, как все, даже если это вынудит его потерять себя.
Бекки Алберталли 4.3
У Саймона есть большой секрет, который он доверил только Блю, своему интернет-другу. Но однажды их переписку прочитал одноклассник Мартин, которому нравится подруга Саймона. Мартин решил, что шантаж - отличный шанс с ней сблизиться. На что пойдет Саймон, чтобы сохранить свой секрет?..
M.T. Anderson 0.0
National Book Award winner M. T. Anderson delivers an account of the Siege of Leningrad and the role played by Russian composer Shostakovich and his Leningrad Symphony.

In September 1941, Adolf Hitler’s Wehrmacht surrounded Leningrad in what was to become one of the longest and most destructive sieges in Western history—almost three years of bombardment and starvation that culminated in the harsh winter of 1943–1944. More than a million citizens perished. Survivors recall corpses littering the frozen streets, their relatives having neither the means nor the strength to bury them. Residents burned books, furniture, and floorboards to keep warm; they ate family pets and—eventually—one another to stay alive. Trapped between the Nazi invading force and the Soviet government itself was composer Dmitri Shostakovich, who would write a symphony that roused, rallied, eulogized, and commemorated his fellow citizens—the Leningrad Symphony, which came to occupy a surprising place of prominence in the eventual Allied victory.

This is the true story of a city under siege: the triumph of bravery and defiance in the face of terrifying odds. It is also a look at the power—and layered meaning—of music in beleaguered lives.

Лучший дебют для взрослых

Дж. Райан Стрэдал 2.6
"A sweet and savory treat." --People

"An impressive feat of narrative jujitsu. . . that keeps readers turning the pages too fast to realize just how ingenious they are."--The New York Times Book Review, Editor's Pick

"Kitchens of the Great Midwest" is a terrific reminder of what can be wrested from suffering and struggle - not only success, but also considerable irony, a fair amount of wisdom and a decent meal."--Jane Smiley, The Guardian

As seen on The Skimm: "Warning: this will make you hungry. . . . You won't be able to put it down. And it will up your kitchen game."

"Kitchens of the Great Midwest", about a young woman with a once-in-a-generation palate who becomes the iconic chef behind the country's most coveted dinner reservation, is the summer's most hotly-anticipated debut and already a "New York Times" bestseller.

When Lars Thorvald's wife, Cynthia, falls in love with wine--and a dashing sommelier--he's left to raise their baby, Eva, on his own. He's determined to pass on his love of food to his daughter--starting with puréed pork shoulder. As Eva grows, she finds her solace and salvation in the flavors of her native Minnesota. From Scandinavian lutefisk to hydroponic chocolate habaneros, each ingredient represents one part of Eva's journey as she becomes the star chef behind a legendary and secretive pop-up supper club, culminating in an opulent and emotional feast that's a testament to her spirit and resilience.

Each chapter in J. Ryan Stradal's startlingly original debut tells the story of a single dish and character, at once capturing the zeitgeist of the Midwest, the rise of foodie culture, and delving into the ways food creates community and a sense of identity. By turns quirky, hilarious, and vividly sensory, "Kitchens of the Great Midwest" is an unexpected mother-daughter story about the bittersweet nature of life--its missed opportunities and its joyful surprises. It marks the entry of a brilliant new talent.
Мэри Норрис 3.5
Mary Norris has spent more than three decades in The New Yorker's copy department, maintaining its celebrated high standards. Now she brings her vast experience, good cheer, and finely sharpened pencils to help the rest of us in a boisterous language book as full of life as it is of practical advice.

Between You & Me features Norris's laugh-out-loud descriptions of some of the most common and vexing problems in spelling, punctuation, and usage—comma faults, danglers, "who" vs. "whom," "that" vs. "which," compound words, gender-neutral language—and her clear explanations of how to handle them. Down-to-earth and always open-minded, she draws on examples from Charles Dickens, Emily Dickinson, Henry James, and the Lord's Prayer, as well as from The Honeymooners, The Simpsons, David Foster Wallace, and Gillian Flynn. She takes us to see a copy of Noah Webster's groundbreaking Blue-Back Speller, on a quest to find out who put the hyphen in Moby-Dick, on a pilgrimage to the world's only pencil-sharpener museum, and inside the hallowed halls of The New Yorker and her work with such celebrated writers as Pauline Kael, Philip Roth, and George Saunders.

Readers—and writers—will find in Norris neither a scold nor a softie but a wise and witty new friend in love with language and alive to the glories of its use in America, even in the age of autocorrect and spell-check. As Norris writes, "The dictionary is a wonderful thing, but you can't let it push you around.
Ву Тран 0.0
A thrilling work of sophisticated suspense set amid the Vietnamese underworld in Las Vegas.

Robert, an Oakland cop, still can't let go of Suzy, the enigmatic Vietnamese wife who left him two years ago. Now she's disappeared from her new husband, Sonny, a violent Vietnamese smuggler and gambler who's blackmailing Robert into finding her for him. As he pursues her through the sleek and seamy gambling dens of Las Vegas, shadowed by Sonny's sadistic son, "Junior," and assisted by unexpected and reluctant allies, Robert learns more about his ex-wife than he ever did during their marriage. He finds himself chasing the ghosts of her past, one that reaches back to a refugee camp in Malaysia after the fall of Saigon, as his investigation soon uncovers the existence of an elusive packet of her secret letters to someone she left behind long ago. Although Robert starts illuminating the dark corners of Suzy’s life, the legacy of her sins threatens to immolate them all.

Vu Tran has written a thrilling and cinematic work of sophisticated suspense and haunting lyricism, set in motion by characters who can neither trust each other nor trust themselves. This remarkable debut is a noir page-turner resonant with the lasting reverberations of lives lost and lives remade a generation ago.
Камель Дауд 5.0
He was the brother of “the Arab” killed by the infamous Meursault, the antihero of Camus’s classic novel. Seventy years after that event, Harun, who has lived since childhood in the shadow of his sibling’s memory, refuses to let him remain anonymous: he gives his brother a story and a name—Musa—and describes the events that led to Musa’s casual murder on a dazzlingly sunny beach.

In a bar in Oran, night after night, he ruminates on his solitude, on his broken heart, on his anger with men desperate for a god, and on his disarray when faced with a country that has so disappointed him. A stranger among his own people, he wants to be granted, finally, the right to die.

The Stranger is of course central to Daoud’s story, in which he both endorses and criticizes one of the most famous novels in the world. A worthy complement to its great predecessor, The Meursault Investigation is not only a profound meditation on Arab identity and the disastrous effects of colonialism in Algeria, but also a stunning work of literature in its own right, told in a unique and affecting voice.
Claire Fuller 4.0
Peggy Hillcoat is eight years old when her survivalist father, James, takes her from their home in London to a remote hut in the woods and tells her that the rest of the world has been destroyed. Deep in the wilderness, Peggy and James make a life for themselves. They repair the hut, bathe in water from the river, hunt and gather food in the summers and almost starve in the harsh winters. They mark their days only by the sun and the seasons.

When Peggy finds a pair of boots in the forest and begins a search for their owner, she unwittingly begins to unravel the series of events that brought her to the woods and, in doing so, discovers the strength she needs to go back to the home and mother she thought she’d lost.

After Peggy's return to civilization, her mother learns the truth of her escape, of what happened to James on the last night out in the woods, and of the secret that Peggy has carried with her ever since.
Анжела Флурной 5.0

A powerful, timely debut, "The Turner House" marks a major new contribution to the story of the American family.

The Turners have lived on Yarrow Street for over fifty years. Their house has seen thirteen children grown and gone—and some returned; it has seen the arrival of grandchildren, the fall of Detroit’s East Side, and the loss of a father. The house still stands despite abandoned lots, an embattled city, and the inevitable shift outward to the suburbs. But now, as ailing matriarch Viola finds herself forced to leave her home and move in with her eldest son, the family discovers that the house is worth just a tenth of its mortgage. The Turner children are called home to decide its fate and to reckon with how each of their pasts haunts—and shapes—their family’s future.

Praised by Ayana Mathis as “utterly moving” and “un-putdownable,” "The Turner House" brings us a colorful, complicated brood full of love and pride, sacrifice and unlikely inheritances. It’s a striking examination of the price we pay for our dreams and futures, and the ways in which our families bring us home.
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