Вручение март 2008 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: март 2008 г.

Премия Ребекки Каудилл

Джордан Зонненблик 0.0
A brave and beautiful story that will make readers laugh and break their hearts at the same time.

Thirteen-year-old Steven has a totally normal life: he plays drums in the All-Star Jazz band, has a crush on the hottest girl in the school, and is constantly annoyed by his five-year-old brother, Jeffrey. But when Jeffrey is diagnosed with leukemia, Steven's world is turned upside down. He is forced to deal with his brother's illness and his parents' attempts to keep the family in one piece. Salted with humor and peppered with devastating realities, DRUMS, GIRLS, AND DANGEROUS PIE is a heartwarming journey through a year in the life of a family in crisis.
Michael Winerip 0.0
Adam Canfield has to be the most overprogrammed middle-school student in America. So when super-organized Jennifer coaxes him to be coeditor of their school newspaper, THE SLASH, he wonders if he’s made a big mistake. But when a third-grader’s article leads to a big scoop, Adam and his fellow junior journalists rise to the challenge of receiving their principal’s wrath to uncover some scandalous secrets.
Глория Уилан 0.0
"If you are among evil people, you must be like the lion, gathering strength and awaiting your time."

Africa is the only home Rachel Sheridan has ever known. But when influenza strikes down her missionary parents, she is left vulnerable prey to her family's wicked neighbors. Surrounded by greed and lies, Rachel is entangled in a criminal scheme and sent to England, where she is forced into a life of deception. Like the lion, she must be patient and strong, awaiting the moment when she can take control of her own fate—and find her way home again at last.
Нил Шустерман 4.4
Говорят, его одежда сливается с фоном, где бы он ни стоял. О Шва много чего говорят, но одно совершенно точно: его никто не замечает. Кроме меня. Меня зовут Энси Бонано, и это именно я понял, что Шва "функционально невидим". Я использовал это его качество, чтобы наварить кучу баксов. Я стал его другом. Но наряду с этим я причинил ему слишком много боли. Поэтому если вы закроете рот и раскроете уши, то я расскажу вам всё, что знаю о Шва, начиная с того, как он получил своё имя, и заканчивая тем, что на самом деле случилось с его мамой. Вы узнаете всё. Если, конечно, "эффект Шва" не сотрёт воспоминания о нём из моего сознания раньше, чем я закончу свою историю...
Мэри Энн Родман 0.0
Mississippi and integration in the 1960s

The year is 1964, and Alice Ann Moxley's FBI-agent father has been reassigned from Chicago to Jackson, Mississippi, to protect black people who are registering to vote. Alice finds herself thrust into the midst of the racial turmoil that dominates current events, especially when a Negro girl named Valerie Taylor joins her sixth-grade class -- the first of two black students at her new school because of a mandatory integration law. When Alice finds it difficult to penetrate the clique of girls at school she calls the Cheerleaders (they call her Yankee Girl), she figures Valerie, being the other outsider, will be easier to make friends with. But Valerie isn't looking for friends. Rather, Valerie silently endures harassment from the Cheerleaders, much worse than what Alice is put through. Soon Alice realizes the only way to befriend the girls is to seem like a co-conspirator in their plans to make Valerie miserable. It takes a horrible tragedy for her to realize the complete ramifications of following the crowd instead of her heart.

An unflinching story about racism and culture clash in the 1960s.
Эдит Патту 4.3
Эдит Патту - американская писательница, которая уже в десять лет была твердо уверена, что будет создавать в своих книгах неповторимый мир, как К. Люьис и Дж. Р. Р. Толкиен. Сейчас ее книги входят в шорт-листы литературных премий, а роман "Восток" получил премию Американской библиотечной ассоциации. Критики единодушно отмечают великолепные аллегории, филигранный стиль и искренность чувств, какие бывают только в детстве. Благодаря таланту Эдит Патту сюжет известной сказки "На восток от солнца, на запад от луны" заиграл новыми красками, словно северное сияние, которое освещало долгий и непростой путь главной героини книги. Добавив скандинавской экзотики и напряженности драматургии, у автора получилась уже совсем другая история.
Нежная. Непривычная. Холодная. Но полная любви и ожидания чуда.
А. ЛаФайе 0.0
After Nathaniel's leg is crushed in an accident, his father brings home an orphan boy, John Worth, to help work the fields. Worth has come to Nebraska from New York City on the Orphan Train, which brings homeless children west to find new lives.
Nathaniel feels increasingly jealous of the boy who has taken over not only his work but the attention of his father, who has barely spoken to him since his injury. In school for the first time he is far behind even his youngest classmates, and he feels as useless there as he does at home.
Meanwhile, Worth is still grieving for his family and his old life. As the farm chores prevent him from going to school, he also resents losing his dream of an education and a good job. And for all the work he does, he knows he will never inherit the farm that he's helping to save.
But a battle between ranchers and farmers -- and a book of Greek mythology that Nathaniel reads aloud each evening -- forges a connection between the two boys, who begin to discover that maybe there is enough room on the farm, and in the family, for both of them.
A. LaFaye's dynamic portrayal of two boys longing for something they no longer have -- and finding the resources to face the future -- offers a fresh perspective on the thousands of children who moved west via the Orphan Trains in the late nineteenth century.
Валери Хоббс 0.0
Winner of the 2008 National Parenting Publications Awards (NAPPA) in the Children's Products competition. A memorable trio of characters, each fighting for independence
Eleven-year-old Toby Steiner wants to do normal things on his vacation: he wants to hike and race his bike down the hill and learn to fish out on the lake. The last thing he wants is to return to the children's hospital where his painful cancer treatment finally ended. When Toby starts spending time with Pearl, a spunky old woman who lives on a nearby farm, and Blossom, her broken-down cow, he sees all the more reason to keep the new lump on his side a secret from his parents. From Pearl he discovers the beauty of poetry, and from Blossom he just might uncover the meaning of life.
In this honest and life-affirming novel for young readers, which Suzanne Fisher Staples, author of the Newbery Honor Book "Shabanu, "calls "beautiful and gripping," an unforgettable boy learns about the importance of letting things happen on their own and listening to his heart.
Джоан Хайатт Харлоу 0.0
Book Description Tom buried his face against the dog's wet fur. This was the beautiful Newfoundland dog he'd dreamed about, and now that he was really here, Tom didn't want to give him up.... It's 1929 and thirteen-year-old Tom Campbell
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