Вручение 19 августа 2023 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 19 августа 2023 г.

Лучший приключенческий боевик

Angela Greenman 0.0
Despite the angry scars she carries from her childhood training, Zoe Lorel has reached a good place in her life. She has her dream job as an elite operative in an international spy agency and she's found her one true love. Her world is mostly perfect-until she is sent to abduct a nine-year-old girl.

The girl is the only one who knows the riddle that holds the code to unleash the most lethal weapon on earth-the first ever "invisibility" nanoweapon, a cloaking spider bot. But Zoe's agency isn't the only one after the child. And when enemies reveal the invisibility weapon's existence to underground arms dealers, every government and terrorist organization in the world want to find that little girl.

Zoe races to save not only the child she has grown to care about, but also herself. The agency prescribed pills-the ones that transform her into the icy killer she must become to survive-are beginning to threaten her engagement to the one person who brings her happiness. Can she protect the young girl and still protect the one thing she cares more about than anything else?

Лучшая комедия

J.B. Manning 0.0
Cody and her little brother Billy are on the run, hunted by the most powerful man in the world: their father-President Wilhelm Hickory Richter. A bloated septuagenarian from Jacksonville with erectile dysfunction and a young, contemptuous, cat-collecting wife, President Richter is facing financial ruin and possible prison time.
Cody, a pistol-savvy motorcyclist, and Billy, a tech wizard at 13, are about to finger Richter for the murder of his first wife, Lulubelle. Meanwhile, drug-addled, bickering thieves have decapitated Richter's lawyer and split with his $100 billion fortune.
What to do? Sniff some coke, pop a few burgers, and deploy Lenny and Tiny, mismatched thugs supplied by a corrupt Russian ambassador, to "take care of" the kids. Then engage The Actuary, a hipster hitman from Brooklyn, to track down the cash and whack the thieves.
The result is a droll chase-and-combat through the Okefenokee Swamp, Miami, Washington, Paris, and Arles, leading to an explosive night at Ponte Vedra on the Fourth of July.

Лучший уютный детектив

Lori Robbins 0.0
The Nutcracker ballet is filled with holiday cheer, but no one is happy, least of all lead dancer Leah Siderova. It’s bad enough when Maurice Kaminsky forces her to perform upon a shaky platform, which teeters high above the stage. It’s worse when the curtain opens on the first murder victim, and the scene looks more like the end of Romeo and Juliet than a child’s vision of Christmas.

The dancers were unanimous in their dislike of Maurice, and they eagerly anticipated his departure. What they didn’t foresee is that he would exit in a body bag, and not on a nonstop flight to LA.

Leah doesn’t want to get involved in the ensuing murder investigation, but when suspicion falls upon Tex, her dance partner and friend, she has no choice but to act. She enlists the Choreographers of Crime for help, but it’s her life, her career, and her complicated romance with homicide detective Jonah Sobol that’s on the line.

With opening night less than a week away, and the future of American Ballet Company hanging in the balance, can Leah save Tex in time to save the show?

Лучший исторический роман

Carmen Amato 0.0
In 1926, thanks to Prohibition, it’s hard to find a beer in Lido, New York. But trouble is always on tap at the Galliano Club in this explosive start to the riveting Prohibition-era historical fiction crime series.

Winner, 2023 Silver Falchion Award for Best Historical Social hub for the Italian immigrant community, the Galliano Club serves bootleg beer and Luca Lombardo’s signature sandwiches to workers from the city’s copper mills. The club means everything to Luca, who arrived in Lido with nothing left to lose. He’ll do whatever it takes to keep the club afloat, even staying silent about a murder in the alley behind the building. From her second-floor window, Ruth Cross witnessed the murder, but a scandalous past keeps her quiet. Could gangster Benny Rotolo be involved? Run out of Chicago by Al Capone, he fled to Lido with a gun in his pocket and plans to establish his own bootlegging empire. He wants to turn the Galliano Club into his private speakeasy. A collision between Luca and Benny is coming . . . Unless the killer gets there first. Award-winning author Carmen Amato’s Galliano Club historical fiction thriller series is a heady brew of murder, ambition, and secrets. With sizzling relationships, authentic period details, and a cast of unforgettable characters, you’ll savor every drop of this page-turning saga. Are you a fan of The Godfather, Road to Perdition, The Untouchables , or Boardwalk Empire ? If you love historical fiction featuring Prohibition-era stories of Chicago gangsters, Italian mobsters, and bold bootleggers, you’ll love MURDER AT THE GALLIANO CLUB, the first novel in the series. Click the BUY NOW button at the top and enter the Galliano Club today! We saved a spot at the bar for you. "The Galliano Club series promises to be as riveting as Amato’s previous novels set in Mexico. The Roaring Twenties in their uninhibited violence and excitement come alive . . . A sure hit with loyal fans and new readers alike." - Michael Hogan, author of Women of the Irish Rising “A gripping thriller series that will immerse you in the gritty, violent world of America in the 1920s. Clawing their way through the tale are a host of desperate characters that will shock and amaze you, never allowing you to catch your breath until the jaw-dropping conclusion.” - Amanda Hughes, author of The Looking Glass Goddess and The Image Seeker “Spot-on historic atmosphere as the compelling characters fight, dance, and gamble their way to the Galliano Club . . . An epic tale with all the glitz, danger and gritty charm of the era.” - L.A. Chandlar, award-winning author of the Art Deco Mystery Series THE GALLIANO CLUB THRILLERS ROAD TO THE GALLIANA PREQUEL MURDER AT THE GALLIANO CLUB BLACKMAIL AT THE GALLIANO CLUB REVENGE AT THE GALLIANO CLUB

Лучший следователь

James L’Etoile 0.0
Hundreds go missing each year making the dangerous crossing over the border. What if you were one of them?

While investigating the deaths of undocumented migrants in the Arizona desert, Detective Nathan Parker finds a connection to the unsolved murder of his partner by a coyote on a human smuggling run. The new evidence lures Parker over the border in search of the truth, only to trap him in a strange and dangerous land. If he’s to survive, Parker must place his life in the hands of the very people he once pursued.

Border violence, border politics, and who is caught in the middle. The forces behind it might surprise you.

Лучшая тайна

Рич Захрадник 0.0
NY Police Academy washout Grigg Orlov discovers an eerie piece of evidence at the scene of his father’s brutal murder: a disc-shaped X-ray of a skull. It’s a bone record—what Soviet citizens called banned American songs recorded on used X-rays. But the black-market singles haven’t been produced since the sixties. What’s one doing in Coney Island in 2016?

Grigg uncovers a connection between his father and three others who collected bone records when they were teenage friends growing up in Leningrad. Are past and present linked? Or is the murder tied to the local mob? Grigg’s got too many suspects and too little time. He must get to the truth before a remorseless killer takes everything he has.

Лучшая научная фантастика/Фэнтези

Bryan Johnston 0.0
Death Makes Great TV. Frankie Percival is cashing in her chips. To save her brother from financial ruin, Frankie―a single stage performer and mentalist who never made it big―agrees to be assassinated on the most popular television show on the Death Warrant . Once she signs her life away, her memory is wiped clean of the agreement, leaving her with no idea she will soon be killed spectacularly for global entertainment. After years of working in low-rent theaters, Frankie prepares for the biggest performance of her life as her Death Warrant assassin closes in on her. Every person she encounters could be her killer. Every day could be her last. She could be a star, if only she lives that long.

Лучший саспенс

Lynessa Layne 0.0
Klive King warned me he was complicated. He drew me in, then pushed me away. He insisted a relationship was dangerous. I learned the hard way how right he was.
We fanned the flames of passion and ignited an inferno against us, but they greatly underestimated the lengths I’d go for the man I love.

Лучший триллер

Дженива Роуз 3.8
Роскошь. Секс. Предательство… Познакомьтесь с женщинами Бакхеда — настоящего Беверли-Хиллз Востока США, мира дорогих авто, огромных домов и дружбы-вражды.

Шеннон. Бывшая королева сообщества. Теперь она потеряла свой статус, бесцеремонно брошенная мужем-политиком, который выбрал женщину намного моложе. И Шеннон готовится отомстить…

Кристал. Это она заняла место Шеннон. Простая техасская девчонка понятия не имеет, во что ввязалась и в каком месте ей придется жить…

Оливия. Годами она мечтала занять место Шеннон. И вот настал момент действовать. Оливия способна на любой грязный трюк и удар в спину…

Дженни. Владелица самого престижного местного салона красоты. Ей известны все страшные тайны и темные желания ее клиенток, среди которых, разумеется, Шеннон, Оливия и Кристал. Как она использует это?

К началу повествования одна из них уже мертва. Но кто именно?

Лучший мейнстрим

Кэтрин Фолкнер 3.9
Жизнь Хелен идеальна - муж-архитектор, великолепный дом в викторианском стиле, дружная семья и долгожданная, после многих неудачных попыток, беременность. В счастливом ожидании она записывается на курсы для беременных в своём районе, где и встречает Рэйчел - свою полную противоположность, громкую, экстравагантную и одинокую. Рэйчел почему-то ужасно притягивает Хелен к себе, но вскоре едва зародившаяся дружба начинает пугать. Новая подруга как будто бы всегда случайно оказывается рядом, неожиданно приходит в гости, знает, кажется, каждую мелочь о Хелен и её семье.

События развиваются стремительно, принимая самые опасные обороты, и вот уже непонятно, кто преступник, а кто жертва в странной и запутанной игре.