Вручение 1989 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1989 г.

Художественная проза

Эдгар Л. Доктороу 3.8
Роман "Билли Батгейт" - жемчужина современной американской прозы, в 1989 г. был удостоен престижной премии "ПЕН-Фолкнер" и экранизирован режиссером Робертом Бентономв 1991 г.
Нью-Йорк, 1930-е. Пятнадцатилетний сирота Билли Батгейт связывается с легендарным гангстером Немцем Шульцем, и банда, по сути, становится для мальчишки приемной семьей. Перед Билли открываются тайные тропы уголовного мира, которые могут привести на вершину криминального успеха - босс видит в способном ученике своего преемника. Но, влюбившись в его новую подружку, парень невольно задумывается: а так ли уж завидна судьба крестного сына мафии?
Джон Кейси 3.0
A classic tale of a man, a boat, and a storm, Spartina is the lyrical and compassionate
story of Dick Pierce, a commercial fisherman along the shores of Rhode Island's
Narragansett Bay. A kind, sensitive, family man, he is also prone to irascible outbursts
against the people he must work for, now that he can no longer make his living from the

Pierce's one great passion, a fifty-foot fishing boat called Spartina, lies unfinished in
his back yard. Determined to get the funds he needs to buy her engine, he finds himself
taking a foolish, dangerous risk. But his real test comes when he must weather a storm at
sea in order to keep his dream alive. Moving and poetic, Spartina is a masterly story of
one man's ongoing struggle to find his place in the world.
Jane Smiley 0.0
"Smiley's stories lucidly explore the complexities of contemporary sexual and dometic life...the emotional and moral complexity that she uncovers in the characters of these resonant novellas confirms Jane Smiley's singular talent. ORDINARY LOVE AND GOOD WILL is an extraordinary achievement."
At a reunion with her grown children, a woman recalls the long-ago affair that ended her relationship with their father--and changed all their lives irrevoccably.
Despite the carefully self-sufficient life he has designed for his small family, a man discovers that even the right choices have unexpected consequences--sometimes heart-breaking ones.
Оскар Ихуэлос 3.5
(Mambo Kings #1)

A Pulitzer Prize winning, bestselling sensation, Hijuelos captures in vivid and elegant prose the passion and poignancy of a world where the pulsing and rhythmic beat of the mambo imbues and fulfills dreams.
Эми Тан 4.2
"Клуб радости и удачи" - первый роман американской писательницы Эми Тан, родившейся в семье эмигрантов из Китая. Эта удивительная мистерия в стиле "дочки-матери" из шестнадцати новелл, вложенных в уста четырех матерей-китаянок и их четырех дочерей, которые родились и выросли в Америке.

Документальная литература

Майкл Доррис 0.0
The controversial national bestseller that received unprecedented media attention, sparked the nation's interest in the plight of children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and touched a nerve in all of us. Winner of the 1989 National Book Critics Circle Award.
Эми Виленц 0.0
In the tradition of Joan Didion and Paul Theroux, this highly acclaimed writer/reporter offers a vivid portrait of today's Haiti--where during the day the streets are filled with bustling markets while at night they are filled with gunfire.
Трейси Киддер 0.0
Tracy Kidder -- the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Soul of a New Machine and the extraordinary national bestseller House -- spent nine months in Mrs. Zajac's fifth-grade classroom in the depressed "Flats" of Holyoke, Massachusetts. For an entire year he lived among twenty schoolchildren and their indomitable, compassionate teacher -- sharings their joys, their catastrophes, and their small but essential triumphs. As a result, he has written a revealing, remarkably poignant account of education in America . . . and his most memorable, emotionally charged, and important book to date.
Дэвид Фромкин 0.0
The critically acclaimed New York Times bestselling account of how the modern Middle East came into being after World War I, and why it is in upheaval today

In our time the Middle East has proven a battleground of rival religions, ideologies, nationalisms, and dynasties. All of these conflicts, including the hostilities between Arabs and Israelis that have flared yet again, come down, in a sense, to the extent to which the Middle East will continue to live with its political inheritance: the arrangements, unities, and divisions imposed upon the region by the Allies after the First World War.

In A Peace to End All Peace, David Fromkin reveals how and why the Allies came to remake the geography and politics of the Middle East, drawing lines on an empty map that eventually became the new countries of Iraq, Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon. Focusing on the formative years of 1914 to 1922, when all-even an alliance between Arab nationalism and Zionism-seemed possible he raises questions about what might have been done differently, and answers questions about why things were done as they were. The current battle for a Palestinian homeland has its roots in these events of 85 years ago.
Barbara Ehrenreich 0.0
An examination of the middle class and why it has turned to the right during the past two decades. "Brilliant social analysis and intellectual history, quite possibly the best on the subject since Tocqueville's."-- "Chicago Tribune"
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