Вручение 2003 г.

Премия вручена за произведения 2002 года.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2003 г.

Лучшая книга года, написанная для подростков, основываясь на её литературных достоинствах

Aidan Chambers 0.0
Jacob Todd is abroad on his own for the first time, visiting his grandfather's grave at the annual commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem in Amsterdam. There, he meets Geertrui, a terminally ill old lady, who tells an extraordinary story of love and betrayal, which completely overturns Jacob's view of himself and his country, and leads him to question his place in the world. Jacob's story is paralled in time by the events of the dramatic day in World War II when retreating troops were sheltered by Geertrui's family.
Garret Weyr, also Freymann-Weyr 0.0

Книга Почета (Printz Honor Books).

Ellen loves Link and James. Her older brother and his best friend are the only company she ever wants. She knows they fight, but she makes it a policy never to take sides. She loves her brother, the math genius and track star. She is totally, madly in love with James, his face full of long eyelashes and hidden smiles. “When you grow out of it,” James teases her, “you will break my heart.”

Ellen knows she’ll never outgrow it. She’ll always love James just the way she’ll always love Link. Then someone at school asks if Link and James might be in love with each other. A simple question.

Link refuses to discuss it. James refuses to stay friends with a boy so full of secrets. Ellen’s parents want Link to keep his secrets to himself, but Ellen wants to know who her brother really is. When is curiosity a betrayal? And if James says he loves her, isn’t that just another way of saying he still loves Link?

My Heartbeat is a fast, furious story in which a quirky triangle learns to change its shape and Ellen, at least, learns the limits of what you can ever know about whom you love.
Джек Гантос 0.0

Книга Почета (Printz Honor Books).

Jack Gantos, bestselling author of the Joey Pigza books, had a peripatetic childhood around the US and the Caribbean. At 18 years old, he was doing a dead-end job on a Caribbean island, looking for adventure and a way to fund himself through university. When he was offered $10,000 to sail a boatload of drugs to New York, he jumped at it. It resulted in a year in a federal prison - and a lot of thinking time. In prison, Jack discovered the library where he was able to indulge his passion for literature and continue to write the journal he'd started in childhood. Denied a diary of his own by prison regulations, he wrote his notes in a tiny hand between the lines of a Russian novel. Becoming ever more determined to get to university, Jack discovered that he didn't have to let one bad choice map out the course of the rest of his life. There are such things as second chances. Paroled after a year in order to go directly to college to study writing, Jack had his first children's book published within two years of being released.
Нэнси Фармер 4.1

Книга Почета (Printz Honor Books).

Почти для всех, кто его окружает, Матт - не мальчик, а животное. Его держат, как зверька, на подстилке из опилок, в друзьях у него тараканы, а вместо игрушек - старые куриные кости. Но для Эль Патрона, всемогущего повелителя страны под названием Опиум - полоски маковых полей, протянувшейся между США и страной, когда-то называвшейся Мексикой, - Матт воплощает в себе надежду на вечную жизнь. Эль Патрон любит Матта, как самого себя, потому что Матт - это и есть он сам. У них одинаковая ДНК. Пока Матт мучительно пытается понять смысл своего существования, ему угрожает целая толпа зловещих персонажей, в том числе жадная до власти Семья Алакран. Его окружает грозная армия телохранителей и безмозглые рабы-идиойды, гнущие спину на маковых полях. И даже сбежав из поместья Алакранов, Матт не получает долгожданной свободы, потому что отличается от остальных людей так глубоко, что даже сам об этом не догадывается. На каждой странице этого яркого фантастического романа читателя ждут неожиданные, захватывающие приключения.