Вручение 4 ноября 2022 г.

Имя лауреата объявлено заранее, в марте 2022 года.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Чикаго, Конференц-центр Тинли-Парк (Tinley Park Convention Center) Дата проведения: 4 ноября 2022 г.

Премия Линкольна

Дженнифер Линн Барнс 4.2
Сорок шесть миллиардов долларов. Такое состояние завещал перед смертью миллиардер Тобиас Хоторн семнадцатилетней Эйвери.

Девушка никогда не знала о существовании старика, который обожал загадки, анаграммы и всевозможные квесты. Чтобы получить свою долю наследства, Эйвери должна сыграть в рискованную игру, придуманную эксцентричным богачом.
Но его наследники готовы пойти на все, чтобы соперница не получила огромное состояние.
Маргарет Роджерсон 4.0
Все чародеи злые — Элизабет знала это практически с рождения. Воспитанная в одной из Великих библиотек Аустермера, она выросла среди колдовских орудий — магических гримуаров, которые шепчутся на полках и гремят железными цепями. Если их спровоцировать, они превращаются в малефиктов из кожи и чернил. Но когда миру грозит опасность, Элизабет некуда обратиться, кроме заклятого врага — чародея Натаниэля Торна. Теперь они втянуты в многовековой заговор, а сама Элизабет начинает сомневаться во всем, чему ее учили, — ведь она обладает силой, о которой никогда не догадывалась, и будущим, которое никогда не могла себе представить.
Дженнифер Матье 4.2
С Вивиан Картер хватит! Ее достало, что все в ш коле их маленького городка считают, что мальчишкам из футбольной команды позволено все. Она больше не хочет мириться с сексистскими шутками и домогательствами в коридорах. Но больше всего ей надоело подчиняться глупым и бессмысленным правилам.
Вдохновившись бунтарской юностью своей мамы, Вивиан создает феминистские брошюры и а нонимно распространяет их среди учеников. То, что задумывалось просто как способ выпустить пар, неожиданно находит отклик у м ногих девчонок в ш коле. Очень скоро Вивиан понимает, что она начала самую настоящую революционную борьбу за права девушек.
Наоми Критцер 4.5
У Стефани нет смартфона, ей нельзя выкладывать фотографии в интернет и заводить профили в соцсетях. Каждые несколько месяцев они с мамой переезжают из одного городка в другой, потому что за ними охотится отец Стефани — опасный психопат.

Однажды жизнь беглецов дает сбой: мама Стефани попадает в больницу, а сама она нечаянно открывает свое местоположение. Стефани откроется удивительная правда о ее друзьях в интернете, она окажется в остросюжетном вихре, где на кону — безопасность всех людей на Земле.

«Кто ты на Кэтнет?» — обладатель премии Lodestar за лучшую книгу для молодежи в 2020 году.

«Все сложно» говорят иногда, если речь заходит о самом важном: любви, поисках себя, попытках понять жизнь. Мы назвали так серию книг о тех, кого считают уже взрослыми, способными во многом разобраться, и кто от этого лишь острее чувствует свою незащищенность. Все, абсолютно все очень сложно, временами – ложно. Такое случается в любом возрасте, но чаще всего – в юности.
Дженнифер Доннелли 4.1
Впервые на русском — новейшая книга Дженнифер Доннелли, автора «Чайной розы» и «Саги воды и пламени», лауреата Медали Карнеги.

Однажды Изабель и Октавия заперли на чердаке свою сводную сестру Эллу-Синдереллу-Золушку и чуть не костьми легли, чтобы влезть в хрустальную туфельку. Все мы знаем, чем это кончилось. Теперь же три Судьбы — дева, мать и старуха — пером из крыла черного лебедя чертят бесценные карты, каждая из которых заключает в себе человеческую жизнь. Но тут Риск, он же Азарт, он же Шанс, смуглокожий и янтарноглазый, похищает карту Изабель. Он верит, что Изабель найдет в себе силы переломить предначертанное и вершить свою судьбу сама. Ведь даже злой сестрице надо дать шанс исправиться…

«Перед нами история братьев Гримм, пересказанная языком не Уолта Диснея, но Нила Геймана. Достойный игрок на поле, где раньше блистала одна лишь „Звездная пыль“» (Wellesley Books).
Пенелопа Бажьё 4.7
Перед вами сборник историй тридцати женщин, сумевших, вопреки всеми, жить так, как им самим хотелось. Некоторые из их имён окажутся знакомыми, а чьи-то истории станут открытием. В любом случае, каждая из них захватывает не хуже любого комикса о супергероях. На самом деле, "Дерзких" можно смело рассматривать как рассказы о настоящих супергероинях - смелых, ярких личностях, не побоявшихся пойти против принятых норм, против общественного мнения. Всё, чтобы сделать именно то, что они хотели - для себя, для своих близких, а чаще всего во благо того самого общества, которое изначально не принимало их попыток.
От американской старушки, собственными руками спасшей от разрушения памятник архитектуры, до китайской императрицы, характером не уступавшей любому великому правителю древности, - неважно, кто они, где и когда родились. Так или иначе, в разной степени, но они сделали мир вокруг себя лучше. Пенелопа Бажьё помогает нам узнать их истории (особенно те, что были незаслуженно забыты), чтобы мы могли сказать этим женщинам "спасибо".
Иби Зобой, Юсеф Салаам 0.0
From award-winning, bestselling author Ibi Zoboi and prison reform activist Yusef Salaam of the Exonerated Five comes a powerful YA novel in verse about a boy who is wrongfully incarcerated. Perfect for fans of Jason Reynolds, Walter Dean Myers, and Elizabeth Acevedo.

The story that I thought

was my life

didn’t start on the day

I was born

Amal Shahid has always been an artist and a poet. But even in a diverse art school, he’s seen as disruptive and unmotivated by a biased system. Then one fateful night, an altercation in a gentrifying neighborhood escalates into tragedy. “Boys just being boys” turns out to be true only when those boys are white.

The story that I think

will be my life

starts today

Suddenly, at just sixteen years old, Amal’s bright future is upended: he is convicted of a crime he didn’t commit and sent to prison. Despair and rage almost sink him until he turns to the refuge of his words, his art. This never should have been his story. But can he change it?

With spellbinding lyricism, award-winning author Ibi Zoboi and prison reform activist Yusef Salaam tell a moving and deeply profound story about how one boy is able to maintain his humanity and fight for the truth, in a system designed to strip him of both.
Дэвид Юн 3.8
Правило: можно влюбляться и ходить на свидания только с кореянками. Так считают консервативные родители Фрэнка Ли.

Проблема: девушка мечты Фрэнка Ли на сто процентов белая американка. Она красивая, умная, очаровательная, но не знает ничего о Корее.

Решение: притвориться влюбленным в подругу детства Джо Сонг! Тем более что спортивная и дерзкая Джо готова подыграть Фрэнку.

Вопрос: как не влюбиться по-настоящему, если играть в любовь с Джо так весело?
Дженни Торрес Санчес 0.0
A ripped-from-the-headlines novel of desperation, escape, and survival across the U.S.-Mexico border.

Pulga, Chico, and Pequeña have no false illusions about the town they've grown up in and the dangers that surround them. Though their families--both biological and found--create a warm community for them, threats lurk around every corner. And when those threats become all too real, the three teens know they have no choice but to run: for the border, for the hope of freedom, and for their very lives.

Crossing from Guatemala through Mexico with their eyes on the U.S. border, they follow the route of La Bestia, a system of trains that promise the hope of freedom--if they are lucky enough to survive the harrowing journey. With nothing but the bags on their backs and the desperation that courses through their very veins, Pulga, Chico, and Pequeña know that there's no turning back, dangerous though the road ahead might be.

In this story inspired by real--and current--events, the plight at our southern border is brought to life.
Meredith Russo 3.8
Amanda Hardy is the new girl in school in Lambertville, Tennessee. Like any other girl, all she wants is to make friends and fit in. But Amanda is keeping a secret. There’s a reason why she transferred schools for her senior year, and why she’s determined not to get too close to anyone.

And then she meets Grant Everett. Grant is unlike anyone she’s ever met—open, honest, kind—and Amanda can’t help but start to let him into her life. As they spend more time together, she finds herself yearning to share with Grant everything about herself…including her past. But she’s terrified that once she tells Grant the truth, he won't be able to see past it.

Because the secret that Amanda’s been keeping? It’s that she used to be Andrew.
Джейсон Рейнольдс, Ибрам Кенди 0.0
A timely, crucial, and empowering exploration of racism--and antiracism--in America

This is NOT a history book.
This is a book about the here and now.
A book to help us better understand why we are where we are.
A book about race.

The construct of race has always been used to gain and keep power, to create dynamics that separate and silence. This remarkable reimagining of Dr. Ibram X. Kendi's National Book Award-winning Stamped from the Beginning reveals the history of racist ideas in America, and inspires hope for an antiracist future. It takes you on a race journey from then to now, shows you why we feel how we feel, and why the poison of racism lingers. It also proves that while racist ideas have always been easy to fabricate and distribute, they can also be discredited.

Through a gripping, fast-paced, and energizing narrative written by beloved award-winner Jason Reynolds, this book shines a light on the many insidious forms of racist ideas--and on ways readers can identify and stamp out racist thoughts in their daily lives.
Бен Филипп 3.0
Norris Kaplan is clever, cynical, and quite possibly too smart for his own good. A black French Canadian, he knows from watching American sitcoms that those three things don’t bode well when you are moving to Austin, Texas. Plunked into a new high school and sweating a ridiculous amount from the oppressive Texas heat, Norris finds himself cataloging everyone he meets: the Cheerleaders, the Jocks, the Loners, and even the Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Making a ton of friends has never been a priority for him, and this way he can at least amuse himself until it’s time to go back to Canada, where he belongs.

Yet, against all odds, those labels soon become actual people to Norris. Be it loner Liam, who makes it his mission to befriend Norris, or Madison the beta cheerleader, who is so nice that it has to be a trap. Not to mention Aarti the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, who might, in fact, be a real love interest in the making. He even starts playing actual hockey with these Texans.

But the night of the prom, Norris screws everything up royally. As he tries to pick up the pieces, he realizes it might be time to stop hiding behind his snarky opinions and start living his life—along with the people who have found their way into his heart.
Lisa Charleyboy 0.0
Whether looking back to a troubled past or welcoming a hopeful future, the powerful voices of Indigenous women across North America resound in this book. In the same style as the best-selling Dreaming in Indian, #NotYourPrincess presents an eclectic collection of poems, essays, interviews, and art that combine to express the experience of being a Native woman. Stories of abuse, humiliation, and stereotyping are countered by the voices of passionate women making themselves heard and demanding change. Sometimes angry, often reflective, but always strong, the women in this book will give teen readers insight into the lives of women who, for so long, have been virtually invisible.
Эми Сариг Кинг 4.8
The Shoveler, the Freak, CanIHelpYou?, Loretta the Flea-Circus Ring Mistress, and First-Class Malcolm. These are the five teenagers lost in the Hemmings family's maze of tangled secrets. Only a generation removed from being simple Pennsylvania potato farmers, Gottfried and Marla Hemmings managed to trade digging spuds for developing subdivisions and now sit atop a seven-figure bank account, wealth they've declined to pass on to their adult children or their teenage grand children.

"Because we want them to thrive," Marla always says.

What does thriving look like? Like carrying a snow shovel everywhere. Like selling pot at the Arby's drive-thru window. Like a first class ticket to Jamaica between cancer treatments. Like a flea-circus in a doublewide. Like the GPS coordinates to a mound of dirt in a New Jersey forest.

As the rot just beneath the surface of the Hemmings precious white suburban respectability begins to spread, the far flung grand children gradually find their ways back to each other, just in time to uncover the terrible cost of maintaining the family name.
Tiffany D. Jackson 4.0
Mary B. Addison killed a baby.

Allegedly. She didn’t say much in that first interview with detectives, and the media filled in the only blanks that mattered: A white baby had died while under the care of a churchgoing black woman and her nine-year-old daughter. The public convicted Mary and the jury made it official. But did she do it? She wouldn’t say.

Mary survived six years in baby jail before being dumped in a group home. The house isn’t really “home”—no place where you fear for your life can be considered a home. Home is Ted, who she meets on assignment at a nursing home.

There wasn’t a point to setting the record straight before, but now she’s got Ted—and their unborn child—to think about. When the state threatens to take her baby, Mary must find the voice to fight her past. And her fate lies in the hands of the one person she distrusts the most: her Momma. No one knows the real Momma. But who really knows the real Mary?
Laura Lee Gulledge 0.0
A bold and original YA graphic novel about battling your inner doubts and fears—and finding your genius

Sometimes, the world is too much for Mona Starr. She’s sweet, geeky, and creative, but it’s hard for her to make friends and connect with other people. She’s like a lot of sensitive teenagers—but in the hands of graphic novelist Laura Lee Gulledge, Mona’s struggle with depression takes on a vivid, concrete form. Mona calls it her Matter. The Matter gets everywhere, telling Mona she’s not good enough, and that everyone around her wishes she would go away. But through therapy, art, writing, and the persistence of a few good friends, Mona starts to understand her Matter, and how she—and readers—can turn their fears into strengths. Heartfelt, emotionally vulnerable, and visually stunning, The Dark Matter of Mona Starr is a story that takes the inner life of a teenager seriously, while giving readers a new way to look at the universal quest for meaning and connection.
Никки Граймс 0.0
In her own voice, author and poet Nikki Grimes explores the truth of a harrowing childhood in a memoir in verse.

Growing up with a mother suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and a mostly absent father, Nikki Grimes found herself terrorized by babysitters, shunted from foster family to foster family, and preyed upon by those she trusted. At the age of six, she poured her pain onto a piece of paper late one night - and discovered the magic and impact of writing. For many years, Nikki's notebooks were her most enduing companions. In this memoir, Nikki shows how the power of those words helped her conquer the hazards - ordinary and extraordinary - of her life.
Эшли Херринг Блейк 4.2
"I need Owen to explain this. Because yes, I do know that Owen would never do that, but I also know Hannah would never lie about something like that."

Mara and Owen are about as close as twins can get. So when Mara's friend Hannah accuses Owen of rape, Mara doesn't know what to think. Can the brother she loves really be guilty of such a violent crime? Torn between the family she loves and her own sense of right and wrong, Mara is feeling lost, and it doesn't help that things have been strained with her ex-girlfriend and best friend since childhood, Charlie.

As Mara, Hannah, and Charlie navigate this new terrain, Mara must face a trauma from her own past and decide where Charlie fits in her future. With sensitivity and openness, this timely novel confronts the difficult questions surrounding consent, victim blaming, and sexual assault
Кэти Алендер 4.0
The other orphans say Margot is lucky. Lucky to survive the horrible accident that killed her family. Lucky to have her own room because she wakes up screaming every night.

And finally, lucky to be chosen by a prestigious family to live at their remote country estate.

But it wasn't luck that made the Suttons rescue Margot from her bleak existence at the group home. Margot was hand-picked to be a companion to their silent, mysterious daughter, Agatha. At first, helping with Agatha - and getting to know her handsome older brother - seems much better than the group home. But soon, the isolated, gothic house begins playing tricks on Margot’s mind, making her question everything she believes about the Suttons... and herself.

Margot’s bad dreams may have stopped when she came to live with Agatha – but the real nightmare has just begun.
Elizabeth Acevedo 3.6
With her daughter to care for and her abuela to help support, high school senior Emoni Santiago has to make the tough decisions, and do what must be done. The one place she can let her responsibilities go is in the kitchen, where she adds a little something magical to everything she cooks, turning her food into straight-up goodness. Still, she knows she doesn’t have enough time for her school’s new culinary arts class, doesn’t have the money for the class’s trip to Spain — and shouldn’t still be dreaming of someday working in a real kitchen. But even with all the rules she has for her life — and all the rules everyone expects her to play by — once Emoni starts cooking, her only real choice is to let her talent break free.