Вручение 2 ноября 2010 г.

Страна: Франция Место проведения: город Париж, ресторан "Друан" Дата проведения: 2 ноября 2010 г.

Премия Ренодо

Virginie Despentes 4.0
Valentine disparue... Qui la cherche vraiment ?
Entre satire sociale, polar contemporain et romance lesbienne, le nouveau roman de Virginie Despentes est un road-book qui promene le lecteur entre Paris et Barcelone, sur les traces de tous ceux qui ont connu Valentine, l'adolescente egaree... Les differents personnages se croisent sans forcement se recontrer, et finissent par composer, sur ton ton tendre et puissant, le portrait d'une epoque.

Премия Ренодо за эссе

Мохаммед Айссауи 0.0
Fictional account based on documents found in 2005, about a slave named Furcy on the Île Bourbon (now Reunion), who at age 31 legally sought his freedom; the trial lasted for 27 years and concluded in Paris in 1843.

Премия Ренодо для лицеистов

Аньес Дезарт 0.0
Jerome is a calm man - at least, that's what he'd always believed. But when his daughter's boyfriend dies in an accident, he is overwhelmed by unexpected grief. As he struggles to make sense of the loss and his own reaction to it, he finds himself assailed by emotions and memories he has allowed to lie dormant: the residual feelings for his ex-wife; a baffling new attraction to a stranger; a precarious friendship with a retired policeman; and, above all, unsettling questions about his own past and the family he never knew. In returning to the forests of his childhood and the darkest nights of the second world war, Jerome gradually, painfully begins to piece together the truth of his own origins and the tragedy that his adoptive parents tried to bury.