Вручение 2005 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2005 г.

Премия детской книги «Waterstones»

Стюарт Хилл 4.2
Book Description After the death of her beloved father, headstrong princess Thirrin Freer Strong-In-The-Arm becomes warrior queen of her homeland, Icemark, defending it from a formidable invader. Despite Thirrin's bravery and the support of
Кеннет Оппель 4.3
Мэтт служит юнгой на роскошном воздушном корабле "Аврора" и не представляет своей жизни без неба. Мэтт честен, отважен и мечтает стать капитаном этого великолепного дирижабля. Но его стойкость и мужество подвергаются суровому испытанию в схватке с пиратами, когда сам Мэтт и его "Аврора" оказываются в смертельной опасности.

Роман "Небесный скиталец" вышел в свет в 2004 году и уже успел стать бестселлером в 12 странах, включая Великобританию, Новую Зеландию, Германию, Францию и Бразилию. Премии и награды, которые получил роман, составляют внушительный список. В 2005 году роман номинировался на престижнейшую литературную премию Carnegie Medal. В том же году кинокомпания Universal Pictures начала съемки фильма по книге.

Соедините воедино очарование и грандиозность "Титаника" с динамичностью, приключениями и экзотикой "Индианы Джонс", и результатом этой алхимии будет "Небесный скиталец".

История о приключениях отличного парня Мэтта Круза для тех, кто хоть раз мечтал подняться в небо!

Кеннет Оппель - сложившийся автор приключенческих историй, но его настоящий талант в создании характеров. Юнга Мэтт Круз - восхитительно дерзкий, отчаянно смелый и невероятно романтичный, совсем как молодой Индиана Джонс. Оппель - истинный наследник Жюля Верна и Роберта Льюиса Стивенсона!
Кес Грей 0.0
Ever played fetch with a four-eyed Grerk or made pancakes with a giant orange squurm? Nelly isn't scared of monsters. In fact she babysits for them. Every night, Nelly the monster sitter looks after a new friend, but its never easy... Glug, the baby Grerk, has four eyes instead of two, two tongues instead of one and six legs instead of two...so giving him a bath is going to be six times the challenge.
Энн Халам 0.0
When Rosita was tiny, her papa disappeared. She and her mama had to go and live in an ugly place, outside the warm city in the frozen wilderness. Rosita didn't know the ugly place was a prison camp, and she didn't understand her mama's magic. She only knew she had to keep the secret until Mama said it was time to start on the great jorney, through the forest and across the sea of ice, to safety. But once Rosita grew up to be a tough, cynical girl called Sloe, hardened by grim years in the prison school, Mama was gone. Sloe had to make the jorney alone, pursued by a mysterious and all-powerful enemy, and carrying the living treasure that she knew was the hope of the world. Sloe becomes a heroine, equal to anything, in this dazzling bled of science, adventure and fairy tale.
Shannon Hale 3.9
Ani, Crown Princess of Kildenree, has spent her childhood learning the language of the birds. But though Ani can speak to animals, she is never quite comfortable speaking with people. So when Ani's silver-tongued lady in waiting leads a mutiny during her journey to marry a prince in a foreign land, Ani cannot persuade anyone to help her. She becomes a goose girl and must use her own special powers to fulfill her true destiny.

Shannon Hale's Books of Bayern have become beloved, perennial favorites, finding more and more readers every year since they were published over a decade ago. Now with fresh new covers, the fantastical, romantic, and gorgeously written series that first introduced Hale as a master storyteller is prime to be discovered by the a whole new generation.
Джули Хирн 0.0
In a remote west-country village, all is not as it seems. The minister's daughters have taken to their bed, howling and spitting pins. Rumours of bad magic and ill-wishing are spreading fast—and fingers are pointing at Nell, the cunning woman's granddaughter.

With Matthew Hopkins, the Witch-Finder General, on his way, Nell is alone, trapped, and in mortal danger. Who can she trust? Who will save her?
Барри Йонсберг 0.0
Part quirky journal, part detective fiction, this wild and witty novel is a laugh-out-loud comedy about two unlikely friends who are drawn into a dramatic series of events through their mutual mistrust of their new English teacher.

'I don't know you at all. I wouldn't recognise you from a hole in the ground. If I was telling this story to some friends, then they would already know Kiffo and they would know me and they would know the school and everything. I'd just be able to get straight into what happened when a new English teacher, the Pitbull, slobbered and snarled her way into our class. But you don't know anything.

AKA "The Crimes and Punishments of Miss Payne"
Марджи Макаллистер 4.4
Первая книга цикла «Летопись Туманного острова» о благородном и бесстрашном Урчине, который смог изменить историю целого королевства.

Бельчонок Урчин родился в холодную и ненастную Ночь падающих звезд. С самого первого дня жизнь этого малыша была полна загадок и таинственных предзнаменований. Когда Урчин вырос, ему посчастливилось попасть на королевскую службу. Но трагические события в замке грозят королевству и самому Урчину большой бедой. Сможет ли бельчонок, упавший с неба, спасти своих друзей и узнать, что же на самом деле ему готовит судьба?
Ливи Майкл 0.0
In true Victorian fashion, award-winning author Michael pens a gripping, epic novel about a sister and brother whose mother leaves them at a workhouse in Manchester, England. For Joe and Annie, the choice is escape or die.
Эллен Поттер 0.0
Book DescriptionOlivia Kidney's new apartment building is crazy! Talking lizards crawling everywhere. A tropical rainforest growing in 7B. Even an apartment made entirely of glass! Maybe her father will get fired from his job as the building super,
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