Вручение 2011 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2011 г.

Золотой Кинжал

Том Франклин 3.5
Tom Franklin's extraordinary talent has been hailed by the leading lights of contemporary literature—Philip Roth, Richard Ford, Lee Smith, and Dennis Lehane. Reviewers have called his fiction "ingenious" (USA Today) and "compulsively readable" (Memphis Commercial Appeal). His narrative power and flair for character-ization have been compared to the likes of Harper Lee, Flannery O'Connor, Elmore Leonard, and Cormac McCarthy.

Now the Edgar Award-winning author returns with his most accomplished and resonant novel so far—an atmospheric drama set in rural Mississippi. In the late 1970s, Larry Ott and Silas "32" Jones were boyhood pals. Their worlds were as different as night and day: Larry, the child of lower-middle-class white parents, and Silas, the son of a poor, single black mother. Yet for a few months the boys stepped outside of their circumstances and shared a special bond. But then tragedy struck: Larry took a girl on a date to a drive-in movie, and she was never heard from again. She was never found and Larry never confessed, but all eyes rested on him as the culprit. The incident shook the county—and perhaps Silas most of all. His friendship with Larry was broken, and then Silas left town.

More than twenty years have passed. Larry, a mechanic, lives a solitary existence, never able to rise above the whispers of suspicion. Silas has returned as a constable. He and Larry have no reason to cross paths until another girl disappears and Larry is blamed again. And now the two men who once called each other friend are forced to confront the past they've buried and ignored for decades.
Steve Hamilton 4.1
"I was the Miracle Boy, once upon a time. Later on, the Milford Mute. The Golden Boy. The Young Ghost. The Kid. The Boxman. The Lock Artist. That was all me.

But you can call me Mike."

Marked by tragedy, traumatized at the age of eight, Michael, now eighteen, is no ordinary young man. Besides not uttering a single word in ten years, he discovers the one thing he can somehow do better than anyone else. Whether it's a locked door without a key, a padlock with no combination, or even an eight-hundred pound safe ... he can open them all. It's an unforgivable talent. A talent that will make young Michael a hot commodity with the wrong people and, whether he likes it or not, push him ever close to a life of crime. Until he finally sees his chance to escape, and with one desperate gamble risks everything to come back home to the only person he ever loved, and to unlock the secret that has kept him silent for so long.

Steve Hamilton steps away from his Edgar Award-winning Alex McKnight series to introduce a unique new character, unlike anyone you've ever seen in the world of crime fiction.
A.D. Miller 3.6
A.D. Miller's Snowdrops is a riveting psychological drama that unfolds over the course of one Moscow winter, as a thirty-something Englishman's moral compass is spun by the seductive opportunities revealed to him by a new Russia: a land of hedonism and desperation, corruption and kindness, magical dachas and debauched nightclubs; a place where secrets - and corpses- come to light only when the deep snows start to thaw...

A chilling story of love and moral freefall: of the corruption, by a corrupt society, of a corruptible man. It is taut, intense and has a momentum as irresistible to the reader as the moral danger that first enchants, then threatens to overwhelm, its narrator.
Denise Mina 0.0
When a notorious millionaire banker hangs himself, his death attracts no sympathy. But the legacy of a lifetime of selfishness is widespread, and the carnage most acute among those he ought to be protecting: his family.

Meanwhile, in a wealthy suburb of Glasgow, a young woman is found savagely murdered. The community is stunned by what appears to be a vicious, random attack. When Detective Inspector Alex Morrow, heavily pregnant with twins, is called in to investigate, she soon discovers that a tangled web of lies lurks behind the murder. It's a web that will spiral through Alex's own home, the local community, and ultimately right back to a swinging rope, hundreds of miles away.

The End of the Wasp Season is an accomplished, compelling and multi-layered novel about family's power of damage-and redemption.

Криминальная литература в переводе

Андерс Рослунд, Берге Хелльстрем 3.6
Писательский дуэт тележурналиста Андерса Рослунда, автора криминальных репортажей, и Бёрье Хелльстрёма, специалиста по реабилитации уголовников, музыканта и барда, оказался на редкость успешным: их детективная сага о комиссаре Эверте Гренсе, переведенная на три десятка языков, принесла создателям множество наград, включая "Стеклянный ключ” и многочисленные призы читательских симпатий. “Три секунды”, пятый роман цикла, признанный “Книгой года” Шведской академией детектива и удостоенный “Кинжала” Британской ассоциации авторов-детективщиков, в настоящее время экранизируется голливудской студией 20th Century Fox.
Фред Варгас 4.3
Недаром Адамбергу не хотелось ехать на скучный полицейский коллоквиум в Лондон. Там-то и началась эта рискованная игра в крестики-нолики - игра не на жизнь, а на смерть. Жуткая находка перед зловещим Хайгетским кладбищем и рассказы Данглара о хайгетских вампирах оказались лишь прелюдией к кровавому кошмару в Гарше, ожидавшему их на родине, а черный туннель под Ла-Маншем, так пугавший Данглара, стал для Адамберга началом долгого пути, который привел его в заповедное место - сербскую деревушку Кисельево...
Андреа Камиллери 0.0
Things are not going well for Inspector Salvo Montalbano. His long-distance relationship with Livia is on the rocks, he feels himself getting even older and he's growing tired of the violence in his job.
Then the dead body of a young woman is found. Her identity is at first unknown; a tattoo of a sphinx moth on her left shoulder links her with three other girls bearing the same mark. Victims of an underworld sex trade, these girls have been rescued by a Catholic charity organization. The problem is they can't help Montalbano with his enquiries. They are all missing…
Ernesto Mallo 0.0
"This is not simply a triumph of style; it is both a reflection on a time of bloodshed and a raw vision of human misery."—Guillermo Saccomanno, winner of the Argentine National Literature Prize

"This man knows. He knows about guns, knows about women, knows about dead bodies. . . . But above all he knows how to narrate."—Ana María Shua, author of El peso de la tentación

Superintendent Lascano is a detective working under the shadow of military rule in Buenos Aires in the late 1970s. Sent to investigate a double murder, he arrives at the crime scene to find three bodies. Two are clearly the work of the Junta's death squads, murders he is forced to ignore; the other one seems different.

The trail leads Lascano through a decadent Argentina, a country poisoned to its core by the tyranny of the regime. The third corpse turns out to be that of Biterman, moneylender and Auschwitz survivor. When Lascano digs too deep, he must confront Giribaldi, an army major, quick to help old friends but ruthless in dealing with dissenters such as Eva, the young militant with whom Lascano is falling in love.

Born in 1948, Ernesto Mallo is a published essayist, newspaper columnist, screenwriter, and playwright. He is a former anti-Junta militant who was pursued by the dictatorship. Needle in a Hay Stack is his first novel and the first in a trilogy with superintendent Lascano. The first two are being made into films.
Жан-Франсуа Паро 4.1
"Убийство в особняке Сен-Флорантен" - пятый том о расследованиях комиссара Шатле Николя Ле Флока из цикла романов популярного французского автора Жана-Франсуа Паро.
1774 год, смерть Людовика XV вынуждает Сартина, начальника комиссара Шатле Николя Ле Флока, уйти с поста генерал-лейтенанта полиции. Преемником Сартина становится некий Ленуар, под началом которого Николя поручается расследовать убийство горничной, найденной с перерезанным горлом в особняке господина Сен-Флорантена, министра нового короля. Розыск убийцы предстоит вести не только в Париже, но и за его пределами и даже при дворе Людовика XVI в Версале, где, помимо всего прочего, Николя предстоит нелегкая задача укрепить свое пошатнувшееся положение...
Domingo Villar 0.0
One misty autumn dawn in a quiet fishing port in northwest Spain, the body of a sailor washes up in the harbour. Detective Inspector Leo Caldas is called in from police headquarters in the nearby city of Vigo to sign off on what appears to be a suicide. But details soon come to light that turn this routine matter into a complex murder investigation. Finding out the truth is not easy when the villagers are so suspicious of outsiders. As Caldas delves into the maritime life of the village, he uncovers a disturbing decade-old case of a shipwreck and two mysterious disappearances.
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