Вручение август 2022 г.

Премия за 2021 год.

Страна: США Место проведения: Новый Орлеан, Бучеркон (Bouchercon) Дата проведения: август 2022 г.

Лучший детективный роман

S.A. Cosby 3.2
Ike Randolph has been out of jail for fifteen years, with not so much as a speeding ticket in all that time. But a Black man with cops at the door knows to be afraid.

The last thing he expects to hear is that his son Isiah has been murdered, along with Isiah’s white husband, Derek. Ike had never fully accepted his son but is devastated by his loss.

Derek’s father Buddy Lee was almost as ashamed of Derek for being gay as Derek was ashamed of his father's criminal record. Buddy Lee still has contacts in the underworld, though, and he wants to know who killed his boy.

Ike and Buddy Lee, two ex-cons with little else in common other than a criminal past and a love for their dead sons, band together in their desperate desire for revenge. In their quest to do better for their sons in death than they did in life, hardened men Ike and Buddy Lee will confront their own prejudices about their sons and each other, as they rain down vengeance upon those who hurt their boys.

Provocative and fast-paced, S. A. Cosby's Razorblade Tears is a story of bloody retribution, heartfelt change - and maybe even redemption.

“A visceral full-body experience, a sharp jolt to the heart, and a treat for the senses…Cosby's moody southern thriller marries the skillful action and plotting of Lee Child with the atmosphere and insight of Attica Locke.” ―NPR
Крис Уитакер 4.1
Как убежать от прошлого, если жизнь – это замкнутый круг?

Тридцать лет назад Винсент Кинг стал убийцей. Отсидев весь срок, он возвращается в родной городок на побережье Калифорнии, где далеко не все рады видеть его снова. Например, Стар Рэдли – бывшая девушка Винсента и… родная сестра той, кого он убил.

Тридцать лет назад шериф Уокер был лучшим другом Винсента Кинга. Он так и не смог избавиться от всепоглощающего чувства вины. Ведь именно из-за его показаний Винсент на несколько десятков лет угодил в тюрьму.

Тридцать лет назад Дачесс Рэдли еще не родилась. Ей всего тринадцать, а она уже считает себя «вне закона». Правила придуманы для других – не для нее. Только она способна позаботиться о маленьком братике и беспутной матери, которую Дачесс, несмотря ни на что, яростно защищает.

И теперь эта ярость запускает цепь событий, обернувшихся трагедией не только для ее семьи, но и для всего города…
Майкл Коннелли 4.2
Has a killer lain dormant for years only to strike again on New Year’s Eve? LAPD Detective Renée Ballard and Harry Bosch team up to find justice for an innocent victim in the new thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Michael Connelly

There's chaos in Hollywood on New Year's Eve. Working her graveyard shift, LAPD Detective Renée Ballard seeks shelter at the end of the countdown to wait out the traditional rain of lead as hundreds of revelers shoot their guns into the air. As reports start to roll in of shattered windshields and other damage, Ballard is called to a scene where a hardworking auto shop owner has been fatally hit by a bullet in the middle of a crowded street party.

It doesn't take long for Ballard to determine that the deadly bullet could not have fallen from the sky. Ballard’s investigation leads her to look into another unsolved murder—a case at one time worked by Detective Harry Bosch.

Ballard and Bosch team up once again to find out where the old and new cases intersect. All the while they must look over their shoulders. The killer who has stayed undetected for so long knows they are coming after him.
Вэл Макдермид 0.0
Hailed as Britain's Queen of Crime, Val McDermid's award-winning, internationally bestselling novels have captivated readers for more than thirty years. Now, in 1979, she returns to the past with the story of Allie Burns, an investigative journalist whose stories lead her into world a corruption, terror, and murder.

The year started badly and only got worse–blizzards, strikes, power cuts, and political unrest were the norm. For journalist Allie Burns, however, someone else's bad news was the unmistakable sound of opportunity knocking, and the year is ripe with possibilities. But Allie is a woman in a man's world. Desperate to get away from the "women's stories" the Glasgow desk keeps assigning her, she strikes up an alliance with wannabe investigative journalist Danny Sullivan. From the start, their stories create enemies. First an international tax fraud, then a potential Scottish terrorist group aiming to cause mayhem ahead of the impending devolution referendum. And then Danny is found murdered in his flat. For Allie, investigative journalism just got personal.

The first novel in McDermid's newest series, 1979 is an atmospheric journey into the past with intriguing insight into the present, and the latest addition to McDermid's crime pantheon.
Алан Паркс 0.0
There's a heatwave in Glasgow and the drugs trade is booming. The whole force is searching for missing thirteen-year-old Alice Kelly. All except Harry McCoy, who has been taken off the case after a run-in with the boss, and is instead sent alone to investigate the death of rock-star Bobby March, who has just overdosed in the Royal Stuart hotel.

The papers want blood. The force wants results. McCoy has a hunch. But does he have enough time?
Colson Whitehead 0.0
From the two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Underground Railroad and The Nickel Boys, a gloriously entertaining novel of heists, shakedowns, and rip-offs set in Harlem in the 1960s.

“Ray Carney was only slightly bent when it came to being crooked…” To his customers and neighbors on 125th street, Carney is an upstanding salesman of reasonably priced furniture, making a decent life for himself and his family. He and his wife Elizabeth are expecting their second child, and if her parents on Striver’s Row don’t approve of him or their cramped apartment across from the subway tracks, it’s still home.

Few people know he descends from a line of uptown hoods and crooks, and that his façade of normalcy has more than a few cracks in it. Cracks that are getting bigger all the time.

Cash is tight, especially with all those installment-plan sofas, so if his cousin Freddie occasionally drops off the odd ring or necklace, Ray doesn’t ask where it comes from. He knows a discreet jeweler downtown who doesn’t ask questions, either.

Then Freddie falls in with a crew who plan to rob the Hotel Theresa—the “Waldorf of Harlem”—and volunteers Ray’s services as the fence. The heist doesn’t go as planned; they rarely do. Now Ray has a new clientele, one made up of shady cops, vicious local gangsters, two-bit pornographers, and other assorted Harlem lowlifes.

Thus begins the internal tussle between Ray the striver and Ray the crook. As Ray navigates this double life, he begins to see who actually pulls the strings in Harlem. Can Ray avoid getting killed, save his cousin, and grab his share of the big score, all while maintaining his reputation as the go-to source for all your quality home furniture needs?

Harlem Shuffle’s ingenious story plays out in a beautifully recreated New York City of the early 1960s. It’s a family saga masquerading as a crime novel, a hilarious morality play, a social novel about race and power, and ultimately a love letter to Harlem.

But mostly, it’s a joy to read, another dazzling novel from the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award-winning Colson Whitehead.

Лучший дебютный детектив

Миа П. Манансала 3.7
The first book in a new culinary cozy series full of sharp humor and delectable dishes—one that might just be killer....

When Lila Macapagal moves back home to recover from a horrible breakup, her life seems to be following all the typical rom-com tropes. She's tasked with saving her Tita Rosie's failing restaurant, and she has to deal with a group of matchmaking aunties who shower her with love and judgment. But when a notoriously nasty food critic (who happens to be her ex-boyfriend) drops dead moments after a confrontation with Lila, her life quickly swerves from a Nora Ephron romp to an Agatha Christie case.

With the cops treating her like she's the one and only suspect, and the shady landlord looking to finally kick the Macapagal family out and resell the storefront, Lila's left with no choice but to conduct her own investigation. Armed with the nosy auntie network, her barista best bud, and her trusted Dachshund, Longanisa, Lila takes on this tasty, twisted case and soon finds her own neck on the chopping block…
Александра Эндрюс 3.8
Мать всегда внушала Флоренс Дэрроу, что ее ждет великое будущее. Но пока есть только посредственное настоящее: малооплачиваемая работа помощника редактора и рассказы, которые никто не хочет печатать. После неудачного романа с женатым начальником Флоренс лишается и этого. И… получает предложение стать ассистенткой таинственной Мод Диксон. Дебютный роман прославил ее на весь мир, но личность писательницы тщательно скрывается. Для Флоренс такая работа - возможность все изменить .
Вместе с Мод Диксон она отправляется в Марокко, где не справляется с управлением, и автомобиль падает с моста в реку. Когда Флоренс приходит в себя в больнице, все вокруг говорят, что в машине она была одна.
Спустя несколько дней знаменитая писательница Мод Диксон покидает больницу… Новая хозяйка известного имени не подозревает, что к нему прилагаются зловещий секрет и смертельная опасность.
Эбигейл Дин 3.7
Александра Грейси никогда бы не вспоминала ни о своей семье, ни о детстве, проведенном в Доме Кошмаров, ни о том, как все газеты Великобритании называли ее девочкой А — девочкой, которая сбежала…

Но после смерти матери она больше не может прятаться от чудовищного прошлого. Дом, оставленный в наследство всем детям Грейси, Лекс намеревается использовать во благо.
Однако, прежде чем вернуться в него, ей предстоит примириться с братьями и сестрами и со своим детством, полным жестокости и мучений.

Красивая, невероятно сильная история о спасении, кошмарах и любви.
Erin Flanagan 0.0
It’s the opening weekend of deer season in Gunthrum, Nebraska, in 1985, and Alma Costagan’s intellectually disabled farmhand, Hal Bullard, has gone hunting with some of the locals, leaving her in a huff. That same weekend, a teenage girl goes missing, and Hal returns with a flimsy story about the blood in his truck and a dent near the headlight. When the situation escalates from that of a missing girl to something more sinister, Alma and her husband are forced to confront what Hal might be capable of, as rumors fly and townspeople see Hal’s violent past in a new light.

A drama about the complicated relationships connecting the residents of a small-town farming community, Deer Season explores troubling questions about how far people will go to safeguard the ones they love and what it means to be a family.
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