Дженси Данн

Jancee Dunn

  • 5 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 82 читателя
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Дженси Данн — новинки

  • Kuidas mitte vihata oma meest pärast laste sündi Дженси Данн
    ISBN: 0000000000232
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Varrak
    Язык: Эстонский
    Paljud tulevased lapsevanemad veedavad nädalaid, otsides parimat lapsevoodit või ohutuimat turvatooli, kuid kulutavad vähe, kui üldse, aega mõtlemisele, kuidas laps mõjutab nende abielu ja kuidas nende abielu mõjutab last.

    Raamat räägib lapsevanemaks olemise tabuteemast: ehmatavast põletavast raevust, mida äsja (ja mitte nii äsja) emaks saanud sageli oma partneri vastu tunnevad. Praktilisi nõuandeid täis raamat on osaliselt memuaarid, osaliselt eneseabiraamat, mis pakub silmaringi avardavat vaadet sellele, kuidas mees, kelle pärast sa sellesse olukorda üldse sattusid, saab olla liitlane, keda sa ei arvanud endal olevat.
  • Как не возненавидеть мужа после рождения ребенка Дженси Данн
    ISBN: 978-5-00131-078-5
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Синдбад
    Язык: Русский

    Почему новоиспеченные отцы не просыпаются ночью, когда ребенок плачет, почему упорно не замечают разбросанные по квартире игрушки и стараются «раствориться в тумане», когда приходит время менять подгузник? Почему молодые мамы обвиняют своих мужей в том, что те не помогают с детьми, а когда мужья делают попытку помочь, отодвигают их в сторону? Почему после рабочего дня мужчины нередко отправляются прямиком на диван, а женщины заступают на вторую смену? Журналистка и писательница Дженси Данн устала задавать себе эти вопросы и постоянно ссориться с мужем. Она обратилась к специалистам и обсудила с ними проблемы отношений в семейных парах с…

  • How Not To Hate Your Husband After Kids Дженси Данн
    ISBN: 0316267104
    Год издания: 2017
    How Not To Hate Your Husband After Kids tackles the last taboo subject of parenthood: the startling, white-hot fury that new (and not-so-new) mothers often have for their mates. After Jancee Dunn had her baby, she found that she was doing virtually all the household chores, even though she and her husband worked equal hours. She asked herself: How did I become the 'expert' at changing a diaper?

    Many expectant parents spend weeks researching the best crib or safest car seat, but spend little if any time thinking about the titanic impact the baby will have on their marriage - and the way their marriage will affect their child.

    Enter Dunn, her well-meaning but blithely unhelpful husband, their daughter, and her boisterous extended family, who show us the ways in which outmoded family patterns and traditions thwart the overworked, overloaded parents of today.

    On the brink of marital Armageddon, Dunn plunges into the latest relationship research, solicits the counsel of the country's most renowned couples' and sex therapists, canvasses fellow parents, and even consults an FBI hostage negotiator on how to effectively contain an "explosive situation." Instead of having the same fights over and over, Dunn and her husband must figure out a way to resolve their larger issues and fix their family while there is still time. As they discover, adding a demanding new person to your relationship means you have to reevaluate -- and rebuild -- your marriage. In an exhilarating twist, they work together to save the day, happily returning to the kind of peaceful life they previously thought was the sole province of couples without children.

    Part memoir, part self-help book with actionable and achievable advice, How Not To Hate Your Husband After Kids is an eye-opening look at how the man who got you into this position in this first place is the ally you didn't know you had.
  • Why Is My Mother Getting a Tattoo?: And Other Questions I Wish I Never Had to Ask Дженси Данн
    ISBN: 0345501926
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Villard
    Язык: Английский
    Despite her forty years and a successful career as a rock journalist, Jancee Dunn still feels like a teenager, especially around her parents and sisters. Looking around, Dunn realizes that she’s not alone in this regression: Her friends, all with successful jobs, marriages, and families of their own, still feel like kids around their moms and dads, too. That gets Dunn to thinking: Do we ever really grow up?

    Why Is My Mother Getting a Tattoo? explores this phenomenon–through both Dunn’s coming to grips with getting older and her folks’ attempts to turn back the clock. In a series of hilarious and heartwarming essays, Dunn conspires with her sisters to finagle their way into the old family homestead, dissects the whys and wherefores of her parents’ obsession with newspaper clippings, confronts the seamy side of the JC Penney catalogs she paged through as a kid, and accompanies her sixtysomething mother to a New Jersey tattoo parlor, where Mom is giddy to get a raven inked onto her wrist. And Dunn does it all with humor and insight.